Its been a very long time since I've posted anything here - mainly because I was firmly glued to my office chair in the back bedroom, working feverishly and letting the whole thing get the better of me. The Xmas holidays were a welcome opportunity to take stock and get a grip. My other half, concerned at the semi-permanent imprint of a chair on my backside, starting dragging me out for brisk walks and it wasn't long before that stress started melting away and I began feeling a whole lot better.
Given that I haven't run for around 7 weeks, I thought that my comeback was going to need a bit of planning so, after a bit of serious googling on the topic, I discovered that if you haven't run for between 6-12 weeks then you need to start up at 50% of previous training. So I opted for week 5 on C25K to see how that would go.
The first 5 minute run actually felt marvellous and I didn't want to stop, but I duly stuck to the plan and since the third 5 mins wasn't quite as easy, I was glad that I did. (Good grief, how long ago was it I was happily running for 60 mins???) A run is a run though and I got home very glad to have started back. I also had to laugh at how I was back on C25K and running in hail
I am way behind on LeJog - currently tottering through Somerset - but with my trusty spreadsheet at the ready I have set realistic targets to get back on track, slowly working my way back to Ju-Ju's plan and ultimately, John O' Groats and 10k's. The main thing is I'm looking forwards to a new year and new challenges. Happy running folks and all the best for 2021!