I had a niggle in the knee and a dull ache in the shin so had a week off and then returned to 5k runs only and no paths, just grass. Although this was harder in some ways, long grass, avoiding dips in the ground, tree roots and twigs, I felt my legs were given more chance to recover. I was able to do a 10k today, on gravel path and mud, not as soft but feel I am back on track which is good. Tired but hopeful I can continue with a long run each week and 2 X 5km which seems good for me right now. Julie
Grass running really helped me recover! - Bridge to 10K
Grass running really helped me recover!

Totally agree that trail running is great for the legs! I think it really helps build up strength and is kinder on the joints! Still like a 5k pavement run but think maybe longer runs are better on trails for me🙂

Yeah! Looks like grass! Makes a nice change to run on at times, as well as trails, relieves the thumping in my ears a tad..of course have to watch out for any hidden dips..😊
Grass or trails are much kinder on the joints , well done on the 10k
Thanks, I graduated from C25k around 22 weeks ago and was very happy to progress from 5k at all and surprised to get up to 10k and then did a cheeky 13k! Glad I have been sensible and settled into rest and then 5k because my legs feel good now. Just settling down again and will do 2 X 5 plus a 10 this week, then can start to edge up my distances (have my first half marathon in September)!! Will be as kind as I can to myself and have fun running
Gradual build up is the key and recovery time I am just aiming for 10k for now
You have plenty of time for your HM enjoying it is more than half the battle let's hope the weather is kinder than it has been in some places