As it was New Years Day today we had the option of running two parkruns. One at our home run and the other with our neighbour Petersfield Parkrun. It was arranged that Petersfield would delay their start until 10:30 to allow runners finish the first run and get to the second.
My first run at Havant was well attended with a good number of tourists from all over, making for a good atmosphere. The route was very muddy today which was not unexpected. Considering the conditions I was happy with my run, no slips but got caked in mud, the joys of a runner! 😆 Through the finish funnel and off to Petersfield for the next run!
My second Parkrun was at Queen Elizabeth Country Park. I thought my home run was hilly but this was nothing compared to the one I was about to run, from the start line it was up a steep hill for about 0.5k, that made me puff a bit. The route turned right and downhill only for us to turn at the bottom to go back up the steep hill, but this time for 1k. That sorted me out had to have a walk break here couldn't manage it in one hit.
The route was very muddy making Havant look positively dry, I thought I was muddy from the first one but this took the biscuit, big clean up job on the cards, not just me but of my kit also. But saying that I throughly enjoyed it! Will I try Petersfield again, a definite yes but must get some proper trail shoes first. 😀
I would certainly recommend Parkruns as they are great fun! Happy running all.
Time for no1; 27:10 - Time for no2; 30:36