Hi all, just to let you know it wasn't a fluke that I had run 10k before. Ran on Monday in 1:04:55 an improvement by a whole 5 seconds over 10k. It felt ok I am consciously not trying to push the pace I am just trying to run the 10k at a pace where I can finish it, I am hoping as with the c25k times will improve naturally as I hope to get fitter. The by product of the 10k is that in the last couple of weeks in the build up to 10k I have noticed my swimming is improving, I think because my CV (cardio vascular) system is working better I am not tiring as much on my 1.6k swim. Anyway happy running out there and don't get blown over by the wind!
2nd 10k: Hi all, just to let you know it wasn... - Bridge to 10K
2nd 10k

Well done! I think as soon as you run 10K once, you've cracked it, as it's mental more than physical being able to run long distances and keep going. Enjoy it!

Well done, it must be a great feeling of satisfaction to complete the 2nd and think, yes I did it !!
It certainly is, Steve_L is right, it is totally a psychological thing, I now walk around thinking to myself well I can run 10k, maybe not very fast but I can still do it. A great sense of achievement. It's a gradual build up process so if I can do it anyone can! Are you a regular 5k runner susiebourne?
Hi Mat , I've been running since July and have done a couple of Park runs and timed 5k's. I'm working up to a quarter marathon on New Years Day, would you believe it. I haven't got to 10K yet, so I'm in awe of your achievement. How long have you been running ?

How did you feel at the end? I have my eye on 10k in the distant future!
Hi Joolie, I don't actually feel bad at the end of it although my legs are a little stiff later on in the day. As I am sure I have said previously at the moment I am literally just running to get to the end and not trying to push the pace at the moment. I won't do so until at least the end of January, beginning of February and then once I'm a bit more established at the distance then I will try to improve times. At least that's the plan I have in my head.

Whoop whoop, well done Mat. Once you've run it once it gives you so much confidence to do it again and again. The swimming is probably improving your running and your running is improving your swimming, so a win/win. Perfect tags!

Well done... And you will see a huge improvement in your swimming... I did, I can do a mile now without getting out of breath, but that is breast stroke no goggles in 40 mins. So v slow too!!!
Yep I'm swimming a mile a week in one session but I have taught myself front crawl, when I started I could barely swim a length, and now I can do the mile front crawl. Time is not great but my thought process is that I am working very hard doing it so burning more calories than a good swimmer!
well done...I really should have a lesson or two to learn crawl!! I would so love to do triathlons and open water swimming races too but not with old lady breast stroke!!!