Is it allowed to post photos of other people's bling? Sorry, but I am just so proud of her. Two little boys, no grandma on hand to help out and she still managed to train for this impossibly tough Tarawera trail 50K and complete it in 9 hours with a strapped up knee!
She did it !: Is it allowed to post photos of... - Bridge to 10K
She did it !

I would be upset if you didn't post. Woohoo, fantastic. 9 hours wow. You do know we are claiming her as one of our c25kers don't you? you have every reason to feel proud, as she will next year.
Ps, how on earth does she look so relaxed.
That's an impressive achievement! 9 hours on your feet is a monumental time - that really is an endurance event!
Fantastic achievement! And nice chunky looking bit of bling too!
Very well done to her.

Wow, well done TT junior!! You must be a very very proud mum, TT. Don't you just love basking in reflected glory when one of your kids does something good? 😀 She looks very like her mum, btw xx


Wow! That smile says it all. A massive achievement. It's obviously in the genes.

Brilliant TT , What a fantastic achievement !
I can see where she gets it from ! xxx

9 hours!!! Unbelievable -- it must take a different kind of mindset to be able to do that!
Amazing! You' ve certainly passed on some excellent genes.
Huge congratulations to your daughter.

That's amazing, an almighty well done!!
Wow a massive congratulations. That is incredible !!

50K?????? Goodness, that's unbelievable!

Well done TT's lass! Made of girders same as her mam! 50 k ! Ruddy eck!
Sally just posted this account of her run on Facebook. Moved me to tears so I hope you (and she) won't mind if I share it.
i only bloody did it, not only my first marathon but my first ultramarathon, 50km of trail running through absolutely stunning scenery with around 1500m of ascent (and a similar amount of excruciating descent!) Two days out i couldnt run more than 3km without crippling knee pain but decided to give it a go anyway because i'm a firm believer that opportunities like these should not be missed. i have so many people to thank. thanks mum and dad for positively nurturing my pig headed streak, it has served me well! thanks to all my friends and family who have babysat for me while i slogged my guts out up hills in the rain for the last 6 months! thanks to everyone who supported me in person or with well wishes and donations to save the children (smashed my $600 target!)
and one HUGE thank you to the chick who stopped to ask me if i was ok at 30km (i wasnt,i was in agony with my knee and was sat in the middle of the track in despair). she gave me some pills, told me they were voltaren, i dont know what they were but they made my legs go numb and my lips tingle and i ran the last 20km like an orangatan on cocaine.
we got home to the devastating news of the paris killings but in a hopefully non egotistical way it makes me even more pleased to have done it, perhaps some of those people had dreams about travelling to new zealand to do an ultramarathon. its not madness, its seizing the oppurtunity to do something amazing