Hello Guys!
This is the very first post by me. Cheers!
My Mother 73 Diagnosed with Breast Cancer on 21st of March. Doctor who is close to us, advised to go for surgery immediately after evaluating all films/Blocks. Surgery was over by 27th and she is as normal as before. She did not even get any sense/pain due to the surgical procedures. Feeling was great.
The worries started when my doctor advised for Biopsy and further examination. Biopsy came very normal but the ER/PR/HER 2 came as NNP (Negative, Negative, Positive).
Upon taking expert opinion, doctor advised to go for 6 Chemo cycles, Target therapy, RT and follow up.
Due to my mom age and not financially sound, we have opted not to have Targeted Therapy. I am very much worried about her for chemotherapy. It will start with 4 EC, followed by 4 cycles of Paditexel. We will take one more opinion on RT because of her age but Chemo will continue. Repeatedly doctor was asking tolerance capacity. she does her household work even today without any help. She is that confident after having Angina pain and diabetic in past.
COuld you suggest how it is going to be for us next 6 months. Is this pain full?, i believe lot of advanced drugs has come with very low power with minimal side effects. I am worried. Apart from, Hair fall, Numbness, Not feeling like eating, excessive heat in body, anything else which may happen??? and how to counter all these.
I am glad that i could able to browse healthunlocked. Please send me some of your experiences so that i can plan accordingly.