Hi I'm new to group, was diagnosed with breast cancer last Feb after 1st mamagrame, had a lumpectomy, chemotherpy & radiotherapy, went back to work in November feel ok but in a lot of pain with all my joints trying to judge when to take pain killers.
I'm new, nice to here from anyone - My Breast Cancer ...
I'm new, nice to here from anyone

Hi after chemo I had the same problem with aches in my joints. I started taking high strength cod liver oil (you can get these on offer in Holland & Barrett) and strong glucosamine tablets (wilkos sell them cheap for a few pounds)and they have worked a treat. This was recommended to me by a nurse and no more pain.
Hope this works for you x
I have just had a bilateral mastectomy and am awaiting further chemo and radiotherapy. I have a lot of pain in my lower back and hip but was putting it down to the way I'm holding myself with my chest being so unbelievably tight. Today i found just getting out if bed painful so paracetamol it was. I tend not to take too much meds but if you are in so much pain I would go back to the doc. Good luck
Thanks I've got an appt on 1st March to discuss pain management & hopefully I can try to get back to normal. It could be deferred pain yes if your holding yourself differently hope it gets easier for you good luck with chemo & radiotherpy x
Hope you're feeling better hun✊ don't suffer unnecessarily if they give you pills take them. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen alternately every two hours when the pain was bad and i only had minor surgery compared to you! I drank full fat milk to line my stomach ...be kind to yourself rest and recuperate get strong get well !!! Xxx
Thank you I will try that, I'm going to try paracetamol they are the only things I haven't tried fingers crossed I won't be sick after 3days ha ha X x
I had the same complaint, take parcetamel every four hours but no more than 12 in the day, I found that walking helped even when I didn't want to go out, don't be hard on yourself that's what the oncologist said to me
What about the gel have you tried this if you don't want to take pills???xx
I've tried the gel didn't work, but thank you for all your suggestion much appreciated x