I was diagnosed with DCIS during the holidays. I told my surgeon I wanted a mastectomy. During my meeting with the plastic surgeon, talked about sparring my nipples. My nipples were way too low, he suggested to first do a reduction with a lift, and of course remove the lump. Then after this surgery heals, have the mastectomy.I had this surgery las Tuesday. Got pathology report and my margins were clear. Now I feel that everyone is trying to convince me NOT to have the mastectomy. I still believe this is what is what I want. I appreciate the good intentions, but I feel guilty a pressured...
I am new here, I'm confused and overw... - My Breast Cancer ...
I am new here, I'm confused and overwhelmed...

Hi...do not feel guilty...this is our life and our boobs...we have right to make decisions of ourselves and dear GOD this is NOT easy. You need to listen to your doctor and fallow your intuition.
Stay strong !

thank you!
Hi Grisol
I'm sorry to hear your news & no doubt you are overwhelmed with the options.
There's no doubt the Professionals can steer you in a particular direction, when you see the Surgeons next ask them to go over the options again, then talk with your BCN as she will no doubt be in your Consultation.
Very Best Wishes 💐
Mrs N
I can't offer you any guidance as l didn't have any option but to have a Mastectomy x

Hi there. Welcome to our little corner :). Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but sounds like early stages and good news as these things go.
It is your body. You have to decide what will give you peace of mind going forward from here and help you get your normal life back.
Who is it trying to persuade you? Doctors still ok to go ahead with the original plan? I'd listen to them.
I think in your shoes with that plan I might just do the same and go for the full whammy. It's a big enough op but it's breast tissue it's not an internal organ so in that way of thinking its less invasive. I had a diep flap mastectomy and it's the longest most intrusive op as it also involves tummy tissue removal, and my family and friends wanted me to step back and just do what was absolutely necessary but a year and half on I know it was the best decision for me.
Good luck with what ever you decide.
Xxx gracie
I was given the option of lumpectomy or mastectomy I chose mastectomy as I didn't want radiotherapy as this brings plenty of side effects, push the doctors for what you want, sounds like they have already made you have what they wanted anyway, which maybe more difficult to persuade them to now do a mastectomy, good luck and be strong x
Hi,I was offered a lumpectomy, which I didn't want,from the moment I was diagnosed I wanted a mastectomy. In my mind if the breast was gone,so would all traces of the cancer, (which is what happened) I'm not a hypercondract, but any twinge ache or pain, I knew I'd think it was back. My consultant said that my mental state is just as important as your physical state,and if I felt confident with my treatment I'd recover better,which I did. A mastectomy is a huge operation, but I know it's all been worth it. I came home with drains in,but I had daily visits at home from the speck team, and later had a reconstruction,along with a breast reduction and lift, (this was harder to cope with,as I had drains in both sides) but it's all been worth it. So I'd say,do what's right for YOU! Good luck. Xxxx
Hi Aniqua, I also had DCIS in my left breast everywhere so went for a MRI to see was there anything hidden and they found a tiny tumour that didn't show up on any other tests so I had to have preventative chemotherapy followed by a mastectomy and reconstruction. My margins were clear too (thank goodness). I would go with your gut instinct on this and depending on your age (pre menopause or post?) because hormones can play havoc with a woman's body. My tumour was estrogen responsive so no HRT for me
Hi you should go with what you feel is right for you i know the surgeon is the professional but its your body and mind at the end of the day .I had a masectomy but was advised to wait a year for reconstruction it was psychology hard to deal with at first but i am getting used of it.There is no easy decisions and it sounds as if you have made your mind up so go with your gut feeling.Sending you hugs stay strong💗
Thank you so much for your reply!
Have it if you want it. All research says that if women get what they want i this area they do better - no matter what it is. Even as a private parient I had to fight like mad to get a double mastectomy and I am still glad I did it