Hello everyone. Hope your bowels don't feel much festive and you all had pleasant and symptoms free Christmas!
I'm 36y female with terrible IBS-M, have this for 20y and still learning to live with it. Life wasn't easy and stress is my main trigger.
After my child came from school with stomach bug and in combination with extreme anxiety related to other ongoing female problem, my IBS reacted with full constipation 10d ago, almost reaching fecal impaction state of being. I've experienced that before, so went to gastro and resolved it quickly. However, we ran bunch of tests and only elevated was calprotectin (125).
Now, sample was taken after the medicine (resolor) gave me full day of 9 explosive bowel movements and my hemorrhoids flared as well.
Gastro said he will call if further something is needed and he didn't, I just got my result sent.
Does this looks like elevated calprotectin could be due to day full of diarrhea and loose stools and bad constipation for 7d prior to that?Leucocytes in stool were not found, which I find interesting.
For weeks before this I took many antibiotics and after that was treating yeast infection, so many toxins involved. Dr said there is imbalance in bacteria currently
Even though gastro didn't pay much attention to this result, or maybe he expected it to be bit elevated, I decided to repeat tests in few weeks, after finishing with treatment and giving my bowels a bit of rest.