I'm getting desperate and scared. I have endometriosis, pelvic congestion syndrome, MCAS, fibro, and who knows what else. GIs have told me I have IBS but theybe never actually tested me.
I developed allergies or intolerances to virtually all food when my endo got bad. I have had surgery for it, but it has permanently damaged my bowels. If I eat **anything** I am sick. Like, in so much pain at 3am I can't sleep anymore and have to get up. My body cannot digest food anymore (ie if I eat lettuce I'm pooping it out whole in less than 12hrs) and also can't move waste thru my bowels properly. I deal with extreme gas, bloating and distension when I eat. I was doing OK in 2022, I found a few vegetables and things I could tolerate without much issue. But I've slowly lost the ability to digest even those foods. Vegetables make me want to cry they hurt my body so much. Low FODMAP hasn't helped, I'm intolerant to many low FODMAP foods.
I'm not getting any help from doctors. My GP has me waiting on another GI referral. In the meantime, I can't eat anymore. It's too painful, I'm spending too much time lying on the floor and running to the bathroom, I have no quality of life, I'm so sick I literally spend part of my day at work lying on the floor hoping no one will catch me. I'm hoping once I lose enough weight I'll get listened to and put on an elemental diet or tube feeding, but in the interim I don't know how to survive. I'm thinking of making ginger broth and only consuming that and supplementing with just enough rice and chicken to keep me from fainting.
I'm scared, I can't deal with the pain anymore, I can't deal with the embarrassment of constant constipated diarrhea and gas and being so bloated I look pregnant even tho I don't have a uterus anymore. Desperate for help and don't know what to do anymore