I’ve recently finished 2 year course of Teriparatide and have a hospital appointment shortly to decide next treatment. I have discussed possibility of Stontium with doctor. Does anyone have experience of taking this? Are some kinds of Strontium better than others and will I have a choice as to what to take. Can it be bought online? I definitely won’t take Alendronic acid etc. I take vit D and K2MK7. Thanks.
strontium : I’ve recently finished... - Bone Health and O...

teriparatide has to be followed with something else, i'm not sure what though, sorry, you need to be advised
I have taken strontium ranelate prescribed by my GP for a long time, but we are told it will soon not be available, so I too am trying to decide what else to take
Thanks for reply, I don’t like the look of anything else. Options are limited. I understand from specialist that Raloxifene is an option, but not too happy about side effects.
I take Raloxifene and it’s ok I suppose. Don’t get hot flushes but do get urgent need to wee and thinning hair, which as it was already affected by teriparatide, is not fun. I won’t take bisphosphonates. I suspect the hospital will try to persuade you into zoledronate infusions, which I refused. I discussed strontium with the bone clinic nurse (who now seems to be the only person there who is involved in my treatment) but she pretty much said I can’t have it as I have high BP. I’m seriously considering approaching my gp about HRT.
Strontium ranelate is the only prescription form available, but as walk21 says, rumour has it that it won't be available for much longer due to a shortage of strontium.
Huh, weird, you guys can get strontium ranelate. We can't. So I was going to say, I've taken strontium citrate, it's cheap and easy to get. For what it's worth I felt no ill effects, but whether it helped my bones or not remains to be seen. Know that wasn't your question though--just my 1/2 cent.
I take strontium citrate. The dose is 3 capsules which equals 750 mg. I only take 2 per day. I have been taking it every day for about 4 years. I also take Mk7, vitamin D, and a plant based calcium. My bone density improved this year from the one taken around 4 years ago. I also walk 3-6 miles a day. So, I can’t say which thing is helping but I will continue with all of them.
Hi - I'm prescribed Strontium Ranelate, been taking it for nearly 17 years now. I've had no side effects from it, very, very pleased with it. It won't be available now for about a year as the manufacturers have a problem with one of the ingredients I plan to buy strontium citrate when I run out of strontium ranelate.....I don't know if strontium citrate will work as well but I won't take any of the other medications prescribed. I also take vitamin D3 2,500ius per day and get my blood levels checked every six months, they're in the optimal replete range around 150 nmol/L, and I take vitamin K2 as Mk7 100mcg per day. I do weight lifting and a lot of walking too.
I've not had any fractures in the 17 years since I've been on Strontium Ranelate - I had some compression fractures of spine showing when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, they've not got worse, rheumatologist compared x-rays taken 17 years ago to now.
Strontium citrate has worked for me since 2005. Until recently I took the recommended 680 mg per day but have cut that amount by half for maintenance. I've had no fractures nor any side effects.