I have rung my pharmacy up this morning about Strontium and they have just placed my order from the Alliance Healthcare, and they told me to ring back towards the end of the week to se how things have progressed. Think it's still very early days yet,but we shall see.
Update on Strontium Ranelate - Bone Health and O...
Update on Strontium Ranelate

Hi Bookwormlover
Saw my pharmacist yesterday and Alliance Healthcare down south, have received a delivery of SR from Aristo. It’s now a case of them moving it to their various depots. You may well have it by the end of the week.
Best wishes
Hi LynneH-19 That is very good to know Lynn,thanks for that,so glad things are moving now, I have been concerned these last few months as for the last couple of appts with my consultant (once a year) she has done her best to persuade me to go on the Prolia injection, was only because I had bad reactions to the 3 month jab of Ibrandrate (sp) that I didn't want to try it.x
Good news, just fetched my SR from our village Well pharmacy.
The standard of NHS care certainly varies across the country. I note you see a consultant once a year.
The only time I saw one was in 2011 when I reached stalemate with my GP over OP treatment.
The consultant overruled my GP and said I could have SR as the alendronic acid was causing a reoccurrence of ulcer symptoms, plus bone pains.
I was given a repeat prescription for SR and have only seen my GP once since. A mixed blessing!
Yay, so glad you got your strontium at last Lynne,gives us all hope,. I went to my gp as I was having pain in my back but also had the dowagers (think that is right) hump on my back, he sent a referral off to Liverpool Royal,and the consultant there said she had never seen such bad bones for a woman of my age, was in my mid 50s then, have just turned 71 now, but of course I had early menopause at 40, my mum had hers at 38,but I do have severe M.E and wheelchair bound so that doesn't help as I cannot exercise etc, after a while travelling to Liverpool about an hour away and waiting in outpatients for up to 2 hours,it got too much for me, so my doc sent me to a nearer hospital, but on my first appt the consultant upset me by saying I must walk four times a day for up to 20 mins a time, I was sat in my wheelchair and when I told I cannot walk now he shrugged his shoulders and said well your bones will just get worse and walked out! I was really upset and fuming about that, so my doc sent me somewhere else and I have a lovely young consultant now. Sorry for the saga Lynne, but I still fume over that rude consultant.
I bet you do still fume about that dreadful man. Good grief! He should change his profession acting like he did. Perhaps you should have reported him. To think we pay the salaries of consultants like this to look after us. Unbelievable. So pleased to hear that you now have a lovely young consultant looking after you.
We did think about it Kaarina, I wouldn't have felt so annoyed if he had asked first if I could walk a little! Yes I still fume about it, funny enough I had to go to my gp's for a medicine review,and it was a locum doctor in that day, he asked about my osteoporosis meds, and we ended up telling him about the rude consultant and he asked if we had complained and we said no, but then he said he had heard off different patients about his attitude, but whatever his problems were he should not be taking it out on his patients. My gp must have mentioned it when he was referring me to my new consultant as she mentioned about us having a bad experience,.
That was just plain bad manners and thoughtlessness on his part. He must be a nightmare to work with. I bet his staff cringe, wondering what he’s going to come out with next.
At least you have found someone better now.
Very best wishes.
Be careful. This drug has been delisted in australia and has black box warnin due to cardiac events. Known as protos is no longer prescribed here...look it up.
Hi Prolianightmare. The small numbers of cardiac and circulatory problems found, by the EU committee, were all in patients with these pre existing conditions. This was why patients in the UK/ EU, with these pre existing conditions, were later excluded from having it.
At the time we ( NOS forum members) also were convinced that cost was another factor, as it was more expensive than alendronic acid.
Due to falling sales, Servier stopped making Protelos in 2017. Best wishes
Hi Prolianightmare, yes I know about the possible side effects as my consultant has mentioned them to me and wanted me to go onto the denosumab 6 monthly injection,she told me to have any dental treatment done first,but quite a few years ago I was on the 3 monthly injection of Ibrandrate (spelling!) I managed 3 of them but had terrible headaches that painkillers wouldn't touch for 10 of the weeks out of the 12, I was then put on strontium,been on it 9 years until it was withdrawn as Lynne has mentioned. I know I am probably high risk seeing as I am wheelchair bound and I could have a heart attack etc anyway but don't want to try the denosumab,but thanks for the warning.
Tend to agree with you, Bookwormlover, I would much prefer to go for the SR and take the risks rather than any of the injections and the risks that accompany them. Forsto may be ok to try but one can only take that for 2 years maximum and then you are left with the dilemma of which drug to continue with.