Bone density – success story – thus far!
I am writing this to share my success thus far in reversing osteoporosis naturally using a combination of diet and exercise. I hope this may encourage others to believe it can be done.
When this journey started in Feb 2020 I was 56 years old, weighed around 60kg and would have considered myself to have a fairly healthy diet and an active lifestyle.
A new doctor querying my age during an annual check-up at the gynae clinic prompted a bone density scan which produced T and Z scores as below:
Feb 2020 T-Score Z-Score
Left Femur -1.5 -1.0
Spine -2.4 -1.5
This showed osteopenia in my left femur, with my lower spine hovering on the border between osteopenia and osteoporosis. I was prescribed soluble calcium tablets and vitamin D3 as drops to be taken with food.
In May 2021 my T and Z scores were worse:
May 2021 T-Score Z-Score
Left Femur -1.6 -1.0
Spine -2.8 -1.5
I was shocked at the deterioration which now showed clear osteoporosis in my lower spine.
During this period between Feb 2020 and May 2021 I had made no changes to my diet to combat osteoporosis. I partly put this down to me not having taken the time to consider what a serious condition this could be and partly to it being the covid era where thoughts were elsewhere.
I had not been able to exercise as much as I would like, and in fact when I did exercise I was focussing on cycling rather than my usual hiking – this was to help my husband who was dealing with hip arthritis and found cycling less painful than hiking.
Also during covid era I had resorted to a LOT of comfort food (& drink).
At that consultation in May 2021, I was prescribed Fosamax. The following morning I took the first pill, as instructed, had an appalling reaction and vowed I would never take another. The pill, or fraction of it that I consumed, caused violent diarrhoea after 10 minutes or so, violent vomiting after a further 10 minutes or so, a strong headache that lasted more than a day and bone ache in my lower spine that lasted about 3 days. During those days I could stand up straight but could not bend forward, left or right without feeling I was about to snap my spine. I was very afraid and thought the Fosamax had crippled me.
Needless to say, after such a terrible experience, my husband & I scoured the internet partly checking out other people’s reactions to Fosamax and partly looking for ideas on alternative ways to combat osteoporosis.
We found several very useful sources of information – thank you to everyone who makes an effort to put their findings out there!
The Diet & Exercise Regime
From early June 2021 I embarked on a low glycaemic index 80:20 alkaline diet with regular exercise including brisk walking, arm work with resistance bands and yoga.
The aim was always to promote improved bone density: my goal was not weight loss, or going “totally alkaline” or anything else – I was fully focussed on encouraging bone development.
How did I start ?
1.By cutting out the bad stuff.
I greatly reduced, but did not eliminate, from my diet the following: meat, wheat, sugar, dairy, eggs, caffeine, salt, processed foods and fizzy drinks. I limited my alcohol to 1 or 2 glasses of wine every 3rd day.
2. Promoting the good stuff.
I consume between 7-9 pieces or portions of vegetable or fruit daily (fruit is usually only 1 or 1 ½ portions of the total). There is a world of veg out there - it is easy to vary the diet and eat a wide range of vegetables.
Legumes and fresh seafish (mainly salmon and sardines) are my main sources of protein.
Snacks are mainly of or derived from seeds and some nuts – for example home-made energy bars using tahini, oats and almonds.
I drink a minimum of 2 litres of water daily.
In June 2021 I started taking over-the-counter calcium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2.
Importantly on this 80:20 diet nothing is forbidden – just keep the harmful stuff in the 20% zone.
I do eat food that does not promote bone growth and may in fact create an environment which leaches calcium from bones, cheese for example, but I do it occasionally and in small amounts.
The exercise regime developed gradually and currently is 3 yoga classes per week and 4 or 5 brisk walks per week. Each walk is around 8km and includes some hills. Recently I have started jogging parts of the walking route.
After 6 months.....
In December 2021 I had a bone density scan and showed improved bone density.
Dec 2021 T-Score Z-Score
Left Femur -1.5 -0.8
Spine -2.1 -0.7
A clear improvement – now both spine and left femur were in the osteopenia zone with the lower spine nudging closer to the normal range.
The technician who carried out the tests could not believe the results and said “I don’t know what you are doing but just keep doing it!”. The doctor was equally impressed but did not inquire closely on how it had been done.
Is it real?
Each bone density scan was carried out on the same DEXA machine, by the same technician at my local hospital. That gives some level of standardisation.
Whilst I understand and accept there can be variation in readings that may account for the improved results (perhaps the DEXA machine was re-calibrated between May and Dec 2021), the personnel at the hospital seemed to accept the results as significant.
I am greatly encouraged by the results and feel stronger and healthier.
Note of Caution
I was recently found to have stage 1 liver disease. My doctor seems not too worried about this: He says the liver is highly regenerative and, at this level, if I quit alcohol the liver should recover and I can expect a “full normal life expectancy”. He did however point an accusing finger at the non-prescription dietary supplements I had been using in the 6 months, June - Dec 2021. He says that whilst these over-the-counter products may well have the declared amount of the stated ingredient they may well also contain other elements that can cause stress on the liver. And perhaps that is the cause –although this not something that can be conclusively proven one way or the other. As of 22nd Dec 2021 I stopped using the dietary supplements. I also quit alcohol. My next liver tests are due in April 2022. Watch this space....
At this stage of the journey I am now 58 years old. I weigh 56kg and considered myself to have a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.
I believe my diet and exercise programme is working and am continuing with it.