Improving Bone Density with diet and exercise – the story continues.
The below table shows how my bone density has improved in 18 months using a combination of diet and exercise. I realise this plan is not for everyone but hope this may encourage others in a similar position to mine to believe it can be done.
As background, I can say a very bad reaction to a single Fosamax pill, prescribed in May 2021, prompted me to eschew the pharma option and try something more natural. The results speak for themselves. I have never felt so healthy.
I am now 59 years old, I weigh 54 kg and I am 162 cm tall.
Date. Spine
T-score Z score
May 2021 -2.8. -1.5
Dec 2021 -2.1. -0.7
Dec 2022 -1.8. -0.4
From early June 2021, I embarked on a low glycaemic index 80:20 alkaline diet with regular exercise, including brisk walking (8 km with some hills), arm work with resistance bands and yoga.
The aim was always to promote improved bone density: my goal was not weight loss, or going “totally alkaline” or anything gimmicky – I was fully focussed on encouraging bone development.
How did I start ?
1. By cutting out the bad stuff.
I greatly reduced, but did not eliminate, from my diet the following: meat, wheat, sugar, dairy, eggs, caffeine, salt, processed foods and fizzy drinks. I limited my alcohol to 1 or 2 glasses of wine every 3rd day.
2. Promoting the good stuff.
I consume between 7-9 pieces or portions of vegetable or fruit daily (fruit is usually only 1 or 1 ½ portions of the total). There is a world of veg out there - it is easy to vary the diet and eat a wide range of vegetables.
Legumes and fresh seafish (mainly salmon and sardines) are my main sources of protein.
Snacks are mainly of or derived from seeds and some nuts – for example: home-made energy balls using tahini, oats and almonds. I also enjoy cholcolate at a minimum of 70% cocoa solids or a few cacao nibs.
I drink a minimum of 2 litres of water daily.
As I progressed with the programme, I found I drank less alcohol and nowadays have perhaps one drink every couple of weeks or so. I have gone off red wine (not a sentence I ever thought I would write!). I could not say I have quit alcohol but my consumption is minimal.
Coffee – I have a decent cup of coffee every 7-10days. This is my only caffeine intake apart from the chocolate.
I won’t go into too much detail here, but I do invite anyone who has questions to drop me a line.