I’m new to this forum so I just wanted to share a little bit about me and my journey so far. I had been experiencing severe, devastating diarrhea, off and own since about September of 2023. I went to my gastroenterologist who has been treating me for Irritable Bowel Syndrome a number of years. He ran all the standard tests; endoscopy, colonoscopy, and home stool study to determine if there was any infection. All tests came back negative.
In September I went back to my gastroenterologist because the diarrhea had returned with a severity I couldn’t handle. During this visit I, for whatever reason, asked him if I could possibly have cancer. He said he didn’t think so but ordered a ct scan to be sure. On September 13, 2024 he called me to say that the scan showed 4 lesions on my liver. ( one large tumor and four smaller ones). He then ordered an mri. He called me up to tell me that the lesions were cancer and that it had metastasized. Needless to say, I was devastated. He then ordered a biopsy on September 26 which, to date, I never got the results. Apparently they sent it to the Mayo Clinic for further testing.
After waiting weeks for the results I asked my oncologist ( I’m a six year breast cancer survivor ) if I could just be referred to a liver specialist. In the meantime I had a brain scan and a pet scan which showed no cancer anywhere else except in the liver. That was on a Friday and I saw the liver specialist the following Tuesday. When I met him he explained to me that my tumors were growing in leaps and bounds and hospitalized me immediately. It was urgent that something be done to halt the growth immediately. That something was liver chemo ablation and I stayed 9 days in the hospital but the tumors were shrinking. The plan was to rescan in three months, have Ketruda treatment and, if all goes well, we would consider surgery.
Well, around mid December I experienced a sharp pain in my right side for about three days. I called the doctor and he ordered another ct scan. The results showed that the tumors stopped shrinking and I had developed two new ones. Also the Ketruda’s side effects were horrible. I developed a rash on my hands that have now turned into what looks like leprosy. I saw him two days ago and he opted to stop the Ketruda and it wasn’t working anyway. He now wants to do Y90 treatment next so praying this works for me. I am scared but I’m trusting God for the outcome. Glad I found this group!