took myself off bp pills a year ago this week, everyone said dont be daft but could not stand the side effects off them,i was scared they were killing me not helping me and scared stopping them, but what a relief, no more feeling like crap, no sleep etc, did walking, diet listented to people on here who told me what to take, olive leaf ,turmeric etc. no idea what bp is now as it caused me so much anxiety taking it i never do it. would never go on them again, im old school of thought 100 plus age and under 100 does me .and you never worry about bp numbers, how long will i live healthy without pills, will i have heart attack,stroke etc, who knows,no one has a ticket to even wake up tomorrow, at least im enjoying life again which is what we all want, at 73 ive won the race so no more pills for me just a happy life
off bp pills for 1 year: took myself... - High Blood Pressu...
off bp pills for 1 year
Hi Peter. I’m glad to say that the BP medication I’m on suits me. The way I like to think is that - at age 75 - my bloody isn’t acting quite as well as it should so I’m topping up my diet with medication so that all is as well as it can be. But then I’ve never been anxious about my health.Each to their own.
mine is running perfect up to 10 miles a day walking now, sleep not perfect 4 to 6 hours a night but apart from that everything doing well.glad your medicine does not effect you it was unbearable for me.
I do understand about side effects of blood pressure medication. I was on them for years until they started to give me horrible side effects and I decided I did not want to be on them anymore. I had read a lot of information that supports the fact that high blood pressure can be controlled by lifestyle change and excercise. I told my GP that I want to give this a go and see what happens. Now 4 months on I eat healthy diet and exercise regularly and my blood pressure is well under control and my GP is convinced that my new lifestyle is working and I can stop the medication and continue to monitor. I check my blood pressure at home 2 times a week and once a month at the surgery. I am so relieved to be off medication and no side effects. I feel happier and fit so will continue with what I am doing. So perhaps it might be a good idea to have your GP on your side so that they know what your blood pressure is like. Just to be on the safe side.
I stopped taking bp medication last 6mnths, feelfelt fine, GP on last visit took BP and was high ans now wants me to take a duiretic, does anyone know if i drink plenty of water as oppose to cups of tea, will it help bring down BP as well as exercise of course.
i think tea acts as a duieric well it makes me go a lot, i dont drink much water pnly tea and those healthycold pressed juicea,rooting for you they are called