when i went docs 3 years ago on dreaded amlodipine heart rate 85 doc said to high was put on bisoprolol and then propranolol, that 3 made me ill so as most no stopped them all, now last night watching the hospitol program the cardilogist broght a patoints heart rate down from 150 to 85 with a electric shock a young man about 26. he said 85 is perfect heart rate. now i no most doc like it lower and like bp want u on pills for life.it does make u think , can take a lot of stress /anxiety out of your life if you accept its normal , so 85 heart rate 150/90 bp or there about no harm comming to you, another guy had a bp of 210/110 doc said a bit high fair enough but did state that without bp pills he might, now thats the word might have a heart atack /stroke in next 5 to 10 years time, most worry i did, that a heart atack/stroke was iminent shortly if i did not take pills, scared me to death,im still here 3 years later no pills only a aspirin a day,my choice and weller than ever.
heart rate: when i went docs 3 years... - High Blood Pressu...
heart rate

hello Peter, can i ask if you check your bp and is it staying reasonably good with daily aspirin?
not checked it for 2 years dont want the anxiety but when i did few years ago on aspirin it use to bring the top number down between 20n and 10, i once checked it was about 172/95 it went down after 3 goes to 135/86 it might have gone down if id done it 3 times then took aspirin,worth a go 75 mg aspirin not going to hurt you
yes i understand, can you buy aspirin over the counter (dispirin?)
just going by statistics, high blood pressure is a precursor of strokes or heart attacks. It can be a warning to anyone, that if their blood pressure is too high then something needs to be done. Whether that something is better attention to diet and exercise, or possibly taking pills. This doesn’t mean that high blood pressure is ALWAYS going to predict a cardiovascular event.
Hi Peter, I have been taking Bisoprolol for many years. I was on on a low dose for Atrial Fibrillation and I went to see my GP about a related matter . He took my pulse and it was 81bpm. Too high he said and promptly put me on 7.5mg. Subsequently saw a cardiologist who said that there was nothing wrong with a heart rate of 81 and thought that 7.5mg was quite an aggressive dosage. Am only taking 1.25mg daily now and told to increase the amount only if my heart rate exceeds 90bpm. Anything between 60 and 100bpm is normal.
It's a horrible drug. It affected me badly but everyone is different.

I was on Carvedilol for high BP, also a Beta Blocker. You are right, they are horrible drugs. In the drug guide the drugs list more side-effects than any other drug I have ever taken. I developed severe peripheral edema, especially in left leg, and abdominal edema. My PCP took me off of the drug. I ended up in emergency room with suicidal depression, all of it triggered by Carvedilol. BP, is 180/105 early am, late pm, goes down during the day, Echo shows heart is fine. But CT scan did show fluid around heart and lung. I was just diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, which PCP believes is the cause of high BP. PCP is also ordering a test for aldosterone for adrenal glands. I am not overweight Carvedilol is poison for me.