I have been on Losartan for quite a long time and have not had any side effects at all. My diastolic blood pressure reading is now down to 82 which I am happy with. However the systolic is mostly round about 150 high. I measure my blood pressure all the time at home as I suffer from white coat syndrome. Any ideas would be appreciated as I also worry about my kidneys now after a routine blood test two weeks ago. I also have a leaky Mitral Valve.
Losartan 50mg: I have been on Losartan... - High Blood Pressu...
Losartan 50mg

I'm stage 3 CKD, type 2 diabetic and medication intolerant. My BP is an average 185/104 for me over 20 plus years. I have stopped doing the BP checks and go un medicated for everything. Despite it all life continues for me although with a dietary change. It hasn't change the BP readings or effected the diabetes, I am for the most part stable with a slow decline in kidney function.
In good shape for another 5 or so years, way past my predicted expiry date from my Dr.

has you can see lots of people live with so called high bp for years with no ill effects,it might be the right bp for there bodies,we cannot all be the same, you can be fit as a fiddle go docs puts u on bp meds, readings come down you feel sick as a dog from them in some cases, but your bp fits perfect numbers.

That’s unheard of - wishing you well

I love your attitude to life so uplifting. Stay well& enjoying your life. ✅✅

I do not know what age you are but it is scary when my Dr said you have to be on BP tablets for he rest of your life or do you want to have a heart attack!
The website of the charity Blood Pressure UK is helpful
Hi Raclette. I have stopped checking mine regularly as if it was sometimes a little high, I would worry about it and it would shoot right up or when I have to go to the doctors, it goes right up again. I have a leaking mitral valve too and when diagnosed in 2004, I had mild to moderate regurgitation and I also have Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Aortic Sclerosis. One of my sisters also had a leaking mitral valve and she suffered with uncontrolled high BP because nothing would bring her BP down which is what happened to me for several years too.
I think it is important to appreciate that I go unmedicated only after many attempts to control my BP etc. I don't suggest for a minute that no attempt should tried first. Medicating or not medicating is all about mitigation and your health issues. I have opted for comfort first. If there was a magic pill that could help me I'd be first in line. Meantime I do everything I can through diet and lifestyle to try and keep my stats where the Dr's want them. Sadly not very effectively though.
I have about the same issues. I have been on Losartan 50 for a while now. My blood pressure had been reading low with the Losartan and 12.5 mg Hydrochlorothiazide. About 120-130/ 60-70. I was happy with that. I checked it everyday also but when this pandemic hit I got sick of doing that. Now I don't check it at all. I check my weight every morning on a digital scale as that seems to be an indicator of where my BP will be reading. I did go to the heart doctor the other day and my BP read 150/90. Too high. I had the same issues with my routine blood test showing numbers going in the wrong direction for stuff that had to do with the kidneys. I told my doctors and they just told me I was fine. (?) Not to worry. I had a bicuspid Aorta valve just replaced with the pig valve. I was born with the valve that way. Keep me posted on your kidney issues please.