I'm Really Terrified Because Many St... - High Blood Pressu...

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I'm Really Terrified Because Many Studies Show High Blood Pressure With Coronavirus Has Highest % Of Death Rates!

Carr6 profile image
26 Replies


I'm very scared because I read studies in online medical journals and in National Geographic which was reposted in an MSN article that said that in China and Italy the highest % of people who died with Coronavirus also had at least one pre-existing health condition and they found that high blood pressure was the number one health condition!

Web MD,Coronavirus And High Blood Pressure 76% Of People Who Died From It Had High Blood Pressure!


World Health Organization Says People With High Blood Pressure etc Develop More Serious Cases Of Coronavirus Than Other people who get it!



I was very scared until I read a more reassuring NPR article that said that if your young and healthy( they didn't say what is considered young,under 60,under 65,under 55?) and just have high blood pressure as 1 out of 3 Americans do,it's not that much of a risk factor,


But I just read a brand new study today by the Center For Disease Control from just yesterday reporting that 90% Of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Had At Least 1 Health Condition And High Blood Pressure Is # 1 With 49.7% Over Even Lung Disease ( and Coronavirus is a lung disease!),Diabetes And Heart Disease!


I just turned 55 on April first and I never had high blood pressure until a year and a half ago,so I'm really terrified of getting Coronavirus.I haven't been out of my apartment in a store since March 11.but I can't literally stay in until August.I'm on blood pressure medicine that keeps my blood pressure normal most of the time,but worrying about this isn't doing my blood pressure or health in general any good.

There are now 204 people with Coronavirus in my exact zip code and it has gone up every other or everyday I check there was only 14 cases in my zip code at the end of March!

In Louisiana the highest % of African Americans who died of Coronavirus who had high blood pressure is 66.4 %! More African Americans are dying from the virus around the country,I'm white but this % is another scary report of higher death rates of people who have high blood pressure above all other conditions including cancer,heart disease, diabetes and lung conditions and this is a respiratory virus that attacks and effects the lungs and often causes pneumonia, Italy and China also reported this and most of their population are not Black people.


Hypertension is most common pre-existing condition in Louisiana's coronavirus fatalities, state says Coronavirus nola.com

Hypertension is the most common pre-existing condition among Louisiana residents who have died because of the new coronavirus, according to new data from state health officials. The information ...

If anyone can respond with some advice or even possible reassurance I really would appreciate it.

Thank You

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26 Replies
Carr6 profile image

For some mysterious reason I never get the regular flu even though I have never gotten a flu vaccine, I haven't had the flu in over 40 years since I was a kid, I get very bad colds though every 2-3 years and I always get the same severe bad symptoms since I was a child, first a very painful sore throat,that before taking zinc lozenges right away as soon as the sore throat begins, used to last 4 days instead of 2. Even before it stuffs up my nose,I have no smell and then no taste of foods.

There are 100's of different but similar cold viruses,but I always get the same exact bad symptoms but I recently spoke with an immunologist at my city's health department who finally gave me an explanation that no doctor or nurse ever did,she said it's not the cold virus that is causing my bad symptoms but my immune system's response to the cold virus. So you can imagine how badly my immune system would respond to this Coronavirus,and I read a CNN news article about why some younger people are dying from Coronavirus including some without any pre-existing medical conditions,and it said that they had a stronger reaction from their immune system because everybody's immune system is different.


Every single time with a common cold, when my sore throat goes away it goes to my nose and I get such a bad stuffed nose that even Sudafed doesn't help and then I can't sleep so my resistance is and stays low,and I can't get rid of the cold for about 2 and a 1/2 weeks.

I have always used hand sanitizers when out,and wash my hands and only bathe with anti-bacterial soaps,and never touch my face when out either but I still get them anyway. When I was 28 I had a stomach virus and the very good,very nice doctor said when I told her that I often wash my hands with anti-bacterial soap,she said this can help but sometimes the germs and viruses are in the air and you can't prevent from getting them.

The Coronavirus Can Live In The Freezer For 2 Years!


Coronavirus Lives For Hours In Air Particles And Days On Surfaces New Study Says!

This is what I have been so scared about all along,especially it living in the air for long periods of time!


NIH Study: Coronavirus may live on some surfaces for days

Researchers found the virus was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper and up to 24 hours on cardboard.

Carr6 profile image
Carr6 in reply toCarr6

World Health Organization Says more And More Young People Are Dying From The Coronavirus!


WHO says 'more and more' young people are dying from the coronavirus

World Health Organization officials cautioned Friday that more young people are becoming critically ill and dying from the coronavirus that's now spread to almost every country across the world.

25 Year Old Pharmacy Technician Died Of Coronavirus! 23 Year Old Had Bad Case Of It Too!


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Inspiration25 profile image
Inspiration25 in reply toCarr6

It's a natural response to be afraid about everything that's going on but as long as you are social distancing and doing the things you are suppose to do than you do not have anything to worry about. Something that helped me is meditating and fasting with the word of God which brought me peace and look up some organic tea to boast your immune system. You will be find! God bless you.

Carr6 profile image
Carr6 in reply toInspiration25

Thank you Inspiration25, but there are people who took all of the correct precautions and *still* got the Coronavirus!

Inspiration25 profile image
Inspiration25 in reply toCarr6

Yes but you have not got the virus and continue to make the adjustment to not get it. Continue to have faith and remember the lord is with you.


News releases

Covid-19 advice for high blood pressure patients


Among changing advice surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) and how to stay safe, please find our Blood Pressure UK advice for people with high blood pressure below.

This page was last updated on 06 April and we will keep it regularly updated. Please also see the NHS, Public Health England and the BBC for live updates.


Some social media sites and newspapers have suggested that some commonly-used drugs including ACE inhibitors (which have names ending in ‘pril” e.g. ramipril, lisinopril, perindopril) and ARBs (which have names ending in ‘sartan’ e.g. losartan, candesartan, valsartan) may increase both the risk of infection and the severity of SARS-CoV2 (the virus causing coronavirus). This has led to some people with high blood pressure (hypertension) stopping their medication, which could lead to harmful consequences such as a decline in blood pressure control, heart failure or stroke.

These concerns about the safety of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in relation to coronavirus are speculated and, without a sound scientific basis to support them, we recommend that you should continue with your usual treatment. It is very important that your blood pressure remains controlled. We will update you if new evidence comes to light and this advice changes.

This recommendation is based on statements from The International Society of Hypertension (ISH), the Council on Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology, and the European Society of Hypertension. It is also in line with the Government's statement on ACE inhibitors and ARBs released on 27 March.

This advice is not tailored to individuals so follow the advice of your doctor.

Note that this advice applies to people taking these drugs for heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease.


Professor Graham Macgregor, Chairman of Blood Pressure UK explains: “As far as we are aware, people with high blood pressure are not more likely to catch coronavirus or have a more severe reaction to it, but as this is a new virus the evidence is not entirely clear and will continue to evolve, so please err on the side of caution. If you have a long-term medical condition such as heart disease or diabetes, the coronavirus could be more serious if you do catch it. We will let you know if any more evidence comes to light, and in the meantime, take good care to reduce the risk of catching or spreading the virus.

"If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, please seek medical attention and inform your healthcare professional that you are taking medication for high blood pressure.”

We advise people with raised blood pressure to follow the Government advice issued for everyone to follow to reduce the risk of catching or spreading the virus. These steps are particularly important if you are over 70 or have an underlying health condition, including heart disease or diabetes. The full guidelines are available from the NHS and PHE.

Stay at home

Stay at home and only go out for essential shopping or for exercise once a day, and only travel to work if essential – even if you aren't self-isolating. This is to avoid avoid spreading the virus between households to avoid the NHS becoming overwhelmed.

Wash your hands frequently

Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water for 20 seconds or more.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Practice respiratory hygiene

Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

Self-isolate if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Please inform your healthcare professional that you are taking medication for high blood pressure. Use phone, online services, or apps to contact your GP surgery or other NHS services (rather than going in person). Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Do seek medical help for other problems, and call 999 for emergencies

Our blood pressure helpline is open to all during this time. Reach us by phone on 020 7882 6218 or by email at help@bloodpressureuk.org You can also contact your GP or other NHS services. It's important to get medical help for health problems even if they're not related to coronavirus.

Dial 999 for emergencies including if you think you might be having a stroke or a heart attack - even if you're not sure. See the signs of a heart attack and signs of stroke from the NHS.


There is also speculation about the use of ibuprofen. The evidence here is also evolving and the sensible advice appears to be not to take ibuprofen unless necessary. Instead, use paracetamol for symptoms of coronavirus. Stick within the safe limits which you will find on the leaflet that comes with the tablets.

With all best wishes during this worrying time,

Blood Pressure UK

Happyrosie profile image

Thank you for the very comprehensive statistics you've submitted. Let's just think about statistics for a moment: they are used by governments and other authorities as data upon which they can then base their recommendations, and by journalists and others who can test these authorities to ensure that the best possible decisions are made.

Statistics cannot really be used on an individual basis, though. They cannot foretell what it to happen to an individual. You are you. Whatever you do to keep your blood pressure under control, and to avoid catching this awful virus, is under your control. What the world does outside is not under your control and it is not helpful to worry about it. You cannot influence it.

An interesting statistic: Every single medic who has died of this virus in the UK up to yesterday was a BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic). BAME forms about 14% of the UK population. But this does not mean that every doctor who's ancestry is not British is likely to die of the disease: there may or may not be something in their genetic makeup which predisposes them to be more susceptible. It could be (though this isn't likely) a statistical quirk, and academics and clinicians are working on this.

So what I am saying is, you do everything in YOUR power to do what's right to avoid infection, and do not sorry about what is not in your power.

I wish you the best.

Carr6 profile image

Thank you Happyrosie,

But having high blood pressure and my immune system always causing me to get a severe horrible cold, I have great reasons to be terrified that I can get this horrible Coronavirus,I can't even go into any stores to buy anything and there are now 220 cases of Coronavirus in my exact zip code,it goes up every day or every other day!

Carr6 profile image

There are many members of the great health information site,MedHelp who are very scared about Coronavirus and are creating question/topics about it.


I saw all these stats too and it is a worry x

Carr6 profile image
Carr6 in reply to

Thank you Karenhath009, yes it is a big worry,and even though I do appreciate the information poemsgalore1 posted,it doesn't remove all of the information,research and cases of people with high blood pressure with Coronavirus who became seriously sick and or died from it and in China 76% of people who had the Coronavirus with high blood pressure died from it,and there were similar findings in Italy as I posted.

And the Center For Disease Control also just released a study April 8,based on people in the US with Coronavirus and high blood pressure and they had the worst cases and were in the hospital.

And as I also already posted,

in Louisiana the highest % of African Americans who died of Coronavirus who had high blood pressure is 66.4 %! More African Americans are dying from the virus around the country,I'm white but this % is another scary report of higher death rates of people who have high blood pressure above all other conditions including cancer,heart disease, diabetes and lung conditions and this is a respiratory virus that attacks and effects the lungs and often causes pneumonia, Italy and China also reported this and most of their population are not Black people.


Hypertension is most common pre-existing condition in Louisiana's coronavirus fatalities, state says Coronavirus nola.com

Hypertension is the most common pre-existing condition among Louisiana residents who have died because of the new coronavirus, according to new data from state health officials. The information ...

And as I also already posted, I always get severe horrible symptoms with a common cold since I was a child, and that I recently spoke with an immunologist and when I told her that it's really strange that there are 200 hundred different types of cold viruses ,but I always get the same 2 horrible severe symptoms ,and it takes me 2 and 1/2 weeks to get rid of it,and 3 weeks until I'm totally myself again.

And she said what no nurse or doctor ever told me,that it's not the cold virus that's causing my horrible bad symptoms,it's my immune system's response to the cold virus, and I also had posted the CNN article about why some young people are dying from Coronavirus including those without any existing health conditions,and health experts said because their immune systems reacted very strongly to the virus,and everybody's immune system is different.

So I in addition to having high blood pressure, I have even more strong valid reasons to be so afraid of getting this dangerous Coronavirus. I just saw a TV news interview with my city's health commissioner and when he was asked when things could go back to normal and if we could have less social distancing,he said it's going to be a very long time,and that this Coronavirus isn't ever going to go away,it's always going to be here to some extent,and if we stop social distancing,( which he gave the members of my city just a B+ in their job of social distancing in the city) the virus will come roaring back and that my city has been one of the cities hit the hardest by it.He was also asked if he could have imagined he'd be going through anything like this, and he said you know in public health we prepare for emergencies like this,all sorts of emergencies that kill a lot of people in a short period of time,but this actually the worst one that has actually happened.

So I and many other people are going to have to live in fear for the rest of our lives especially those like me with high blood pressure!

The reality is you are no more at risk than anyone else of contracting Covid 19. Unless you are working within a Covid 19 area.

Covid 19 is not attracted to those of us with weakened health anymore than someone with 100% health.

Unfortunately contracting Covid 19 is when those of us with health issues need to start worrying as diminished immune systems lessen our ability to fight off the virus.

Until you contract Covid 19 take all precautions you can to not contract it.

I take every precaution I can as contracting Covid 19 will not go well for me, I have multiple health issues. if I do contract it, then I can only hope medical intervention will get me through.

I'm 3 weeks into a national lock down timed to be 4 weeks and as yet have not had a moment of boredom, catching up on some home repairs and filling in my days in my workshop. Been working in virtual lock down conditions for the last 20 years and very comfortable with it. It certainly helps being introverted and having hobbies.

helixhelix profile image

First off I would say stop reading every scrap of research and news as it is just stressing you. No matter what any of this says it is completely irrelevant as society level statistics are just that. It can say that 50% of people get this or that, but they can’t say which 50% you will be in.

Instead I would focus on following sensible guidelines and looking after yourself as best you can. Have you been doing everything you can to control your blood pressure yourself? Especially during this period of confinement it is harder to do, but very important to keep up with regular cardia exercise, health eating , tackle any specific risk factors you have (eg smoking, weight) and so on. Anyone can get this virus, no matter what their fitness or state of health, but the stronger you are and the better your immune system the better you can resist catching it.

So concentrate in what you can control, not what you can’t.

Carr6 profile image
Carr6 in reply tohelixhelix

Thank you, but please see my posts before and the new one above.

As for weight,My father and mother both had high blood pressure starting in their late 40's,and part of it is genetic,and I was told by a nurse practitioner and a nurse that as you get older the blood vessels narrow and this causes high blood pressure and The American Heart Association and others report that 1 out 3 Americans has high blood pressure and pharmacists told me a lot of people in their 40's,50's and older are on blood pressure medicine.

I never even had high blood pressure until I was 53 and a 1/2,and I have been struggling with being overweight since I was 34,I had always been a thin person up until then eating anything and everything and doing no exercise at all,and now I try to not eat fattening things although I do cheat sometimes and I do do some exercise and before this horrible Coronavirus started, I often walk everywhere including very far because I never drove,

But I still can't get thin like I used to be and I gain weight extremely easily literally in the same day even if only eat one very fattening thing that day and I haven't been eating fattening things for a month.

It takes me 5 days to a week to get my weight back down again,though I'm still overweight,and I can only get it somewhat back down by hardly eating anything for those 5 days to a week.

I was told by several doctors and other sensible people,this is because my metabolism slowed down,and that most people's metabolisms slow down as they age,but my metabolism slowed down so much too soon,it used to be like a roadrunner and then became like a snail and or turtle.

My mother also had been thin until she was in her mid 30's and she then had a weight problem from then on even though she didn't eat a lot and my father said I have my mother's slow metabolism,lucky me.

But my father who is now 86 but looks like 15 years younger and acts much younger too,has been thin most of his life and has been for the last 20 years and yet he still has to take cholesterol and high blood pressure medication anyway.

I have a podiatrist who is in his early 60's and he's very thin,he says he's genetically thin,but he's been on blood pressure medicine for years,he said his son in his 30's has high blood pressure too and is also really thin.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply toCarr6

I’m obviously not going to change your mind, but it really might help you worry less about the virus if you took steps to help your blood pressure. It’s not just about weight, and familial high blood pressure can be tackled too. And yes your metabolism changes as you age (although 50’s is not actually old now) but that too can be helped. Does your father eat a low salt and heart healthy diet, does he do age appropriate exercise daily, or just accept the situation and take pills.


in reply toCarr6

I've had high blood pressure since my mid 20's, early menopause at 35, high cholesterol, diabetes, colitis which causes B12 deficiency. I've always been thin and still am. I do run 6km a day though and follow an intermittent fasting regime. I also have B12 injections. I even have blood group A which is considered another risk. I'm 51 now. The statistics are a worry but we with pre existing health conditions just have to be a little more careful. Washing hands, being really strict about social distancing and trying not to get stressed - I still go to the supermarket once a week and walk with my kids everyday. I'm really sorry you sound so scared, these are such hard times for everyone but it will end. They will find a vaccine - Oxford University think they may have one by September. The whole world is working together on this. Also, the 76.1% was people with co morbidities such as diabetes etc. BP alone only raises the risk by around 20% but if it's under proper control, very low added risk. Feel free to PM me if you need to vent. Sending love and positive vibes to you.....

Carr6 profile image

There are now 229 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code!

Carr6 profile image

Recent Big Poll By Kaiser Family Foundation Finds Large % Of Americans Fearful,Depressed,Anxious,Sleeplessness


Carr6 profile image

There are now 261 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code!

lettingoffsteam profile image

Carr6 it is scary to read all the stats and this is a challenging time but you can't change the fact that you have high bp...neither can I.You're worried that there are a lot of cases in your zip code...fair enough but you can't change that either.Focus on what you can control.Try to stay home, wash your hands regularly and stay away from google as it is upsetting you.Try to eat healthily and to do things you enjoy.If you need to lose weight have a think about fixing that as that will help your general health.All this worry will push your bp up and that's not ideal.In the UK we have a very old slogan that says 'Keep calm and carry on'.It worked well in the world wars and it will work through this.Keep well!

Carr6 profile image
Carr6 in reply tolettingoffsteam

Thank you you,but as I already explained there isn't anything I can do about my weight, I have been struggling with being overweight for 21 years now.

There are now 304 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code and I just read an article that experts are saying that the warm weather isn't going to reduce the spread and number of cases that much and I really can't stay in my apartment forever,I can't even do it till July,I need to buy things and I can't afford to keep ordering groceries and or take out food including the delivery charges and if I go into a store it's very likely I will catch this dangerous horrible Coronavirus since there are over 300 cases in my exact zip code,and it increases every day.

What I was hoping for was that members would validate and empathathize that I do have great valid reasons to be so afraid of getting Coronavirus.

Moon_Glitter profile image

Am I high? Or is op, trying to scare the shit outta people?

Carr6 profile image
Carr6 in reply toMoon_Glitter

What a terrible thing to say! I made it very clear,and I also said that I really hoped that members would validate and empathathize ( which you certainly aren't doing)with me that I do have great valid reasons to be so afraid of getting this Coronavirus.

And there are now 336 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code.

Moon_Glitter profile image
Moon_Glitter in reply toCarr6

Save it. Your a fear monger.

Need help fine. Ask. Posting links that could potentially cause BP patients anxiety and fear is uncalled for.

Vipera profile image

Hi, I am a bit confused as well. Obviously the news had a big impact on reporting high number of casualties with HBP over the world. Also WHO still had on their website HBP as an risk category. I do think it depends on the Government of each country, how they will translate this into the practice.

I am a key worker and having 3diffrent meds for HBP I feel at risk to some degree. I am still unsure about my safety. However, so far helpline advice is no isolation for HBP and no letters from GP, so we are in the hands of employers.

AnneSE profile image

I’ve found stepping away from the news reports helped my anxiety over high blood pressure and Covid 19. All you can do is minimise your risk of getting it, and take reasonable precautions. Worrying yourself into a state isn’t going to help.

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