Hi all,
I am a 22 year old male suffering from hypertension and I am really confused by it, doctors have not been much help as of yet and I am really quite scared.
My blood pressure is about 160/70, I measure it quite regularly on an at home monitor. For some reason my systolic is extremely high but my diastolic remains quite normal. I just don't understand why my body is doing this, I am just going to put details about me below and I am hoping that someone might be able to provide me with advice with respect to a possible underlying health condition or a way to help.
My lifestyle: I live what I think of as a very healthy life style, I exercise by lifting weights daily and I also go for runs occasionally, I am very fit and have low body fat. I eat a healthy high protein diet with lots of nutrients all though I do have a bit of a sweet tooth and eat a fair amount of chocolate. I barely drink (maybe a few beers a month on average), I don't smoke apart from maybe a few socially every few months.
My doctor put me on high blood pressure medication (Telmisartan 40mg daily) and I have not seen it have any effect on my blood pressure
Other health issues: I have a few other health issues that I have been having and I am unsure if they are effects of my blood pressure or causing it or completely unrelated. I am quite sleepy a lot of the time, I feel like I need a nap almost every afternoon but I don't let my self have them because if I do it will usually last for a couple of hours and I typically need 10-12 hours of sleep a night. I have also been having erection problems and I am so ashamed by them because I am so young, I am fairly new to sex and I am a really anxious person and I can't tell if the problems are psychological or physical but it is causing me so much stress.
Other risk factors: My father has high blood pressure (although still not as high as mine), but he is almost 60, has been a lifetime pack a day smoker, drinks regularly and was overweight for a lot of his life. My mother has perfect blood pressure but she does have thyroid disease and so do all her siblings as well as her mother, she treats it by taking thyroxin. When they test my thyroid hormone levels they have always come back as being in the normal range.
I really appreciate any advice, I am really scared and I just want to find out what is wrong with me, I don't want to die young and I don't want to be haunted by the other health issues that often come with high blood pressure.