Does anyone have experience with this drug Solefenacin ? I've been prescribed it but reading the common side effects I am reluctant to take it especially as I'm on holiday in France for a few weeks! The leaflet says there's a 1 in 10 chance of diarrhoea, nausea, dry mouth, raised blood pressure, which all sound unpleasant.
On the other hand if it works and I'm one of the lucky ones, it could be liberating.
My overactive bladder is getting worse. I'm 73. At times I can wait 2 hours to pee but often it's only an hour. Trying to train myself to wait as the GP suggests results in leaks especially when I actually get to the loo. Doing the pelvic floor exercise regime 6 times a day with the NHS Squeezy App hasn't yet made a difference (I'm 2 weeks in). I'm always aware of some discomfort in my bladder- except just after a pee.
I've had a couple of infections too in the last few months, and have been told to keep up fluid intake which doesn't help. Wearing pads is a mixed blessing that respect as they can be sweaty.
So any experiences would be helpful. Thanks in advance.