Urine infection for 10 weeks : Hi everyone... - Bladder Health UK

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Urine infection for 10 weeks

Natalie02 profile image
14 Replies

Hi everyone!

I’ve had a urine infection for 10 weeks now, been seeing the GP about it who sent my sample off to the lab after 2 lots of antibiotics didn’t get rid of it and they found a bug which they tried to kill with antibiotics. I’m now 4 (might be 5 I can’t even remember it’s been going on so long!) types of antibiotics in and I’ve still got it.

Doctors don’t seem to be doing anything other then sending my sample off and giving me antibiotics that don’t seem to help.

Has anyone had anything similar and any advice? Or any other condition or illness or something it could be?

I’m completely fed up and very worried it’s going to my kidneys (last doctor told me they couldn’t test my kidneys and couldn’t speculate if it was or wasn’t). I don’t want to go to A&E when there are people with life threatening things there, but I’m not sure if this is my only option currently?! Completely fed up and in pain. Bleugh!

Thanks for any help!!

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Natalie02 profile image
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14 Replies
soppysokes profile image

10 weeks uti with no improvement or recurring is too long. Try to be referred to specialist to check it's not a mechanical problem causing the trouble. Kidney function is easy enough to check although if it had affected them you would probably know it from back/flank pain and feel quite unwell but it does need proper checking over.

Natalie02 profile image
Natalie02 in reply to soppysokes

Thanks so much! My issue is I get a lot of pain due to endometriosis (currently being diagnosed) and IBS, and I get back pain, so I did tell the doctor the other day I have back pain and they didn’t check it out at all. I feel generally run down, but temperature and heart rate are okay so not sure if back pain is related or not!

I’ll try and get referred to a specialist, thank you!

Benzman profile image
Benzman in reply to Natalie02

I would push for a referral or go to A&E. Last year I had a bladder infection that after a week went to my kidneys and it was horrendous. Going to the toilet every 20 minutes followed by violent shakes of the whole body for 5 minutes. Paramedics managed to deal with it but said I was borderline for being taken to hospital as an emergency.

Don't wait & good luck.

Natalie02 profile image
Natalie02 in reply to Benzman

Thank you!! I’ve had this 10 weeks now which is why I’m confused it hasn’t gone to my kidneys that I know of!! Glad the paramedics helped you out!! Thank you.

Do you know what bug/infection was actually identified? Is it Ecoli ?

If male, then I would say definitely ask about Intravenous Antibiotics. But , even a female, if oral antibiotics haven't seen off the bug then ask about IV.

I'm aware I'm late in replying - how are you know? Any improvement?

Natalie02 profile image
Natalie02 in reply to Mary-intussuception

It was streptococcus? Still no improvement! I went back to GP last week and was given some more basic antibiotics which haven’t shifted it (one day left so can’t speak too soon), another urine sample sent off to lab, and referral for urology and a kidney scan.

However urology appointment isn’t until December and haven’t received a letter for kidney scan yet so not sure when that will be!

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Natalie02

How are you generally? Any raised temperature?

If your temperature goes up and you feel unwell go to A&E and insist on Intravenous Antibiotics.


Just read earlier reply that your temperature is OK. This could be because you're on the antibiotics which are working to some extent whilst on them, stunning the bug but not killing it off. I think I would still ask for IV antibiotics.

What antibiotics have you had? I think I would be asking for IV Augmentin (Co-Amoxiclav). I once had that plus IV Metronidazole alternating. But that was for a cat bite.

My husband was given oral antibiotics for a long time then was ill again when they were stopped. Out-of-hours GP gave him Erythromycin which also worked but his own GP wouldn't give anymore till after sample test result came back.

He was taken to A&E in the early hours and treated for the pain but they delayed in giving him the IV Augmentin and he got Sepsis (blood posioning) and Acute Renal Failure. Thankfully he eventually recovered but it was a long time. Six weeks prior to his ambulance admission a GP had admitted him to hospital for the IV antibiotics but 2 young doctors (who seemed to find it amusing ) Sent him home with oral Augmentin. As he'd been a day without the antibiotics he became very unwell with temp of 39. We got that down a bit with paracetamol.

Natalie02 profile image
Natalie02 in reply to Mary-intussuception

No that’s why I’ve not been actually, I’ve had no temperature. I’m feeling under the weather but more due to being run down I think! If I get a temperature I’ll be straight to A&E, thank you!

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Natalie02

If the antibiotics stop, your temperature probably would go up.

I would ask GP about IV antibiotics.

Or - you could still go to A&E with kidney pain or abdominal pain.

What antibiotics are you on?


I've just edited my last reply.

Natalie02 profile image
Natalie02 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I’ve just read your edit, your poor husband I’m glad he got better in the end he must have felt awful! I’m currently taking Ciprofloxacin. But I’ve been on a few, they’ve given me nitrofurantoin twice which did nothing, and there’s been two others I can’t remember the names of for the life of me. I’ll keep an eye on my temperature once I stop antibiotics, I didn’t think of that, thank you!

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Natalie02

Ciprofloxacin was what my husband was discharged on to take for weeks.

If your last test doesn't come back clear, I would definitely ask about IV antibiotics. They should realise that if that doesn't get rid of it when taken orally then what will ?

Mention concern about the possibility of Sepsis if you have to.

You seem to have had all the right antibiotics orally. If Ciprofloxacin taken orally hasn't worked then I would say that they should now give you IV antibiotics. (I'm not medically qualified - just had a lot of experience of family illness and medical neglect! ).

The other antibiotics you had possibly included Augmentin and Erythromycin, maybe Metronidazole.

Natalie02 profile image
Natalie02 in reply to Mary-intussuception

I’ll definitely ask! My GP did mention the possibility of needing IV antibiotics but she didn’t seem too concerned!

Sorry to hear you’ve had so much illness and medical neglect, I hope you’re all doing okay!

Thank you for your help, I’ll see how I’m doing once I finish these but I can’t see it clearing at all so far, so I’ll definitely go back and ask! Thank you.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Natalie02

Your welcome. Just keep at it till you get well. And keep in mind the A&E option or phone 111 & mention Sepsis !

Natalie02 profile image
Natalie02 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Good thinking! Thank you!

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