Hi everyone!
I’ve had a urine infection for 10 weeks now, been seeing the GP about it who sent my sample off to the lab after 2 lots of antibiotics didn’t get rid of it and they found a bug which they tried to kill with antibiotics. I’m now 4 (might be 5 I can’t even remember it’s been going on so long!) types of antibiotics in and I’ve still got it.
Doctors don’t seem to be doing anything other then sending my sample off and giving me antibiotics that don’t seem to help.
Has anyone had anything similar and any advice? Or any other condition or illness or something it could be?
I’m completely fed up and very worried it’s going to my kidneys (last doctor told me they couldn’t test my kidneys and couldn’t speculate if it was or wasn’t). I don’t want to go to A&E when there are people with life threatening things there, but I’m not sure if this is my only option currently?! Completely fed up and in pain. Bleugh!
Thanks for any help!!