73 years of age constant UTIs. Attended private urologist which I can no longer afford - she prescribed HIPREX which helped a lot but my gp did not recommend taking long term. Had a test done with private company and results back today - aerobic vaginitis - lack of lactobacilli - enterococcus faecalis high. I am extremely careful regarding hygiene and take dr vegan probiotic capsule for urinary health tract. Can anyone please suggest a solution.
Aerobic vaginitis - constant UTIS - Bladder Health UK
Aerobic vaginitis - constant UTIS

Hi. I am taking Optibac intimate flora. I am finally having bladder instillations with a drug called Gepan on the NHS after years of UTIs. I've been having them about a year and I've had one UTI when I was run down (after a miscarriage) the bladder instillations have massively improved things. Might be worth asking the GP to refer you to an NHS urogynecologist. This was when things started improving for me as they understand bladder and womanly issues. I am now seen by a urogynae nurse every month. Sorry to hear your having a difficult time. I know how horrible it can be. Also I had a camera into bladder which showed infection was embedded into lining so had surgery to wash it out. Good luck with things. I hope they improve. (Also don't over wash as it upsets the vaginal bacteria)
Thank you for your reply - I have tried the optibac probiotic for over a year with no results so have been trying dr vegan one. I also had camera into bladder but no treatment was recommended. The urologist I attended did suggest bladder instillations but these were never followed up and I was scared of it being painful and also some people said it made their infections worse. I know what suits one person will not necessarily work for another. Also my GP is not receptive to patients suggestions but I am certainly going to look into it again - can you please let me know how painful the installations are as I found the bladder investigation horrendous. Thank you for your advice
Your welcome. I do find them uncomfortable but it's no where near as bad as having the camera in. If it was like that I couldn't cope with my monthly instillations. They can also use some anesthetic gel. It's a very tiny catheter and they are so quick at doing it. They did warn me that the procedure itself can cause UTI if bacteria gets in but it only happened once when I was so run down. I hope things improve for you.
Hey there I was like you years of every month urine infections always going to kidneys . So went to drs and she put me on Ovestan internal hormone cream , works a treat no infections since that’s been 6 months My last infection had me in hospital with very severe kidney infection lost a stone in weight in four days. Please go and ask .
Thank you for your advice - do you mind me asking your age. My GP prescribed Vagifem but after 2 weeks I had slight bleeding and she said she was reluctant to keep me on it due to my age (73). The only thing that has helped me has been Hiprex - apparently it sterilises the urine in the bladder but again she doesn’t think I should be on it long term. Do you think the ovestin is different from the Vagifem? I can certainly ask the GP and see what she says. Her reluctance to prescribe is due to my age but as I’ve told her with these infections there is no quality of life. Once again thank you.
You probably have the answer by now, but in case not, Vagifem and Ovestin are different types of oestrogen, estradiol and estriol respectively. My understanding is that it is quite individual as to which ones suit us. There are also some which come in much lower doses (eg Blissel) but are still effective. Seems your GP is not being very helpful.. The oestrogen helps support a more beneficial microbiome, which helps to counteract the ones which cause UTI's. Why should you be left to suffe r, whatever age you are! I was getting a UTI every month, and estriol cream stopped them immediately. Have a look at Kelly Casperson on youtube, and try your GP again. There surely is some oestrogen treatment which could help you. As you say, UTI's are total misery. Good luck