Hi, I've had the same bladder infection since (I think) at least May, possibly longer. Possibly going back years. But this current manifestation, I had five courses of antibiotics, but it didn't clear up properly. Last couple of weeks, I thought it had finally moved on, but I woke up this morning and it felt wrong, and behold I need to pee all the time again and it's slightly sore, etc, etc. (My urine has stank for months now, It's really strong and has never improved.)
It isn't a full-blown UTI, although it was initially, but it really impacts on my life. I find I hardly go out and when I do, I go on the bus and only to places where i know there's toilets.
My only test during this time was negative (I'd already had antibiotics when it was done so it wasn't surprising) but I know if they test it again now it will still be negative. It's just not virulent enough to show, I don't think.
I tried taking some Doxycycline I found tonight (I'd been given them for a sinus infection but never used them as they are contraindicated for oesophagitis, which I have) but the packet warning is correct - they've hurt my oesophagus really badly and I doubt I'll be able to, or should, finish them.
My question is how do I get this treated effectively on the NHS? In my experience, if you have negative culture tests you can f**k off. Even women doctors don't take you seriously. I don't want to be dismissed with interstitial cystitis because I do NOT believe that's what this is. I think it is an undertreated embedded infection.
Anyone who has had this, what did you ask for? What can I reasonably demand from my docs? I don't even know what to suggest to them. I am completely at a loss as to what I am supposed to do here. I can't take useless antibiotics forever. Any help most profoundly appreciated. Thanks.
P.S. I've got a lot going on just now health-wise and am completely overwhelmed trying to deal with new strong drugs (anti-convulsants), and just having had a severe allergic reaction to an unknown substance (I lost all the skin on my neck), so I don't want to take on my docs from a weak, ignorant position. I need to ask for a treatment with some authority. Thanks.