I've been suffering with recurrent UTIs for nearly 10 years.
Before being prescribed daily prophylactic antibiotics, I was getting 1-2 infections every month. Whilst they have now reduced to about 1-2 a year, it's obviously not an ideal long-term solution and in the last few months the infections have been getting more frequent again. I've tried everything for recurrent UTIs and the I don't think the urologists know what to do with me anymore!
I was recently sent a pelvic MRI scan and it showed signs of endometriosis. I'm starting to wonder whether all along endometriosis has been causing the infections. I've been trying to do some research but there's very little out there.
Does anyone else have experience of this? If so, I'd love to know what, if any, endometriosis treatments helped with your bladder/ UTI symptoms.
Thank you!