Have high bp , one bp med stopped as caused low sodium . so just on one a week until soon blood tesr. The i think ldl (bad cholesterol ?) is raised. Awaiting results see if diabetic ..Very inactive All due to i realise bad food . for reasons i cant eat now bread biscuits pasta rice chocolate nuts dairy eggs peppers onion garlic .. i never eat fruit as dont like, plus fructose intolerance . Waa 11 now 10 stone. If eat carbs sweet stuff, not told gp yet , my legs inside sort of "burn" but cold to touch,as if acidic blood . Gp said my choice take statins . But have read people say no don't . Im 76 in May have slow bowel transit constipation from meds so always laxatives plus senna . Gastro knows . same high dose movicol plus senna always were formed stool , but ages been opposite . He just said try reduce see how go. Due to slow bowel transit fibre makes it worse , a lot crucifer veg and realise some of above makes worsw too. my father had atheroscloris and at 63 dropped dead . i no idea why but been on waiting list see cardio again . last i think time was 2024 2023. He wasn't concerned re some slight narrowing aortic stenosis . So everything is going wrong . i do manage a walk once maybe twice week . views on statins appreciated i have to check my bp a.m hr after bp med x twice and pm x twice
Oh dear not good : Have high bp , one... - British Heart Fou...
Oh dear not good

Listen to what your GP has advised about taking statins, not 'people'. 90% plus of statin users take statins without any problems or side effects and get the benefits they bring, but you only get to hear about the people who don't like them because of something 'bad' they have read somewhere or they actually do get side effects, but in the latter case there is often something the GP can do to eliminate the problem, by offering something else.
as Lowerfield says.
You might find some guidance that helps you on the website of the special charity Blood Pressure UK.
Have a look at what they say about diet and consider whether there are any foods that you could,take to improve what you are eating. Perhaps increase yoir vegetable intake.
