For aslong as I can remember I have always been a worrier and anxious.I have always been overweight until recently and my BP has always been normal.
Took propranolol for anxiety for a few years 80mg slow release and then 40mg once a day up to 2020 when I came off it no problems until November 21
I had to go to A&E as my gwarteate was 152 and wouldn't go down felt dizzy.It look 6 hours for it to go down.
My GP put me back on propranolol 40mg per day no problems except I noticed my BP in Feb was 114/80.
I lost 6 1/2 stone from March to September abd my BP went quite low under 90/60 on occassion.
Echocardiogram was normal.Had a 7 day zoo heart monitor test and 24 hr blood pressure cuff and I've just received a letter with the results.
Normal sinus rhythm average hr 80 BP heart rate variation was 49-147bpm
There where supraventricular ectopic which where very rare and very rare ventricular evidence of significant arrhythmia.
BP average was 104/66 but low on a few occasions during the daytime 82/64 .it states that it could be the cause of my symptoms. He suggested coming off the propranolol to see if that helps my BP but surely at 10mg twice daily it won't make much difference Failing that trying fludrocortisone.I may have autoimmune going on and have high cortisol in the mornings the docs aren't piecing this together and taking this medication with not knowing what's going on is scaring me.
Does anyone know what the results mean I appreciate noone can give medical advice but thought a few of you may have come across this and may know what some of the terms mean and could maybe give me suggestions so I can see my GP.
I think my hearts OK going off the results.
Thanks in advance