vitamin d deficiency : l have my first... - British Heart Fou...

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vitamin d deficiency

HibiscusGrower profile image
25 Replies

l have my first cardiologist appointment on 16th January regarding my echocardiogram results. My GP prescribed me a 6 week course of 1 tablet per week of very high vitamin d3 due to a low vitamin d reading of a blood test done on 23rd December after I told him how tired I was still feeling.

Does anyone have the same problem and did completing the course actually improve the tiredness as I have been blaming bisoprolol for wiping me out.

Happy New Year to everyone in our heart group

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HibiscusGrower profile image
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25 Replies
Taviterry profile image

Almost eleven years ago, I had a skin-cancer scare so I protect against the sun, somewhat casually supplementing with D3 in the winter. After five or six years, I suggested to the practice nurse that a test might be useful, but she replied that that they tested only if possible symptoms showed. In the past year I've had umpteen tests for anaemia (I have a spreadsheet of the results for more than 50 different ones) . It was only on a second trip to A & E in July with fatigue that my D3 was tested, giving a reading of 38 (reference range 50-200). My GP prescribed 800iu pills (I already had 400iu), then four days later the hospital sent around by taxi (!!!) 1000iu. Since then I've had more blood tests, but no result could be given for D3 until three months had expired - I believe it takes that long for a meaningful improvement to show. Three months and one day after the first test, my D3 was 100. I have been feeling better, but I had an iron infusion in July and, following tips in this forum, have been increasing folate and B12 - my levels were within range but apparently not optimum.

HibiscusGrower profile image
HibiscusGrower in reply toTaviterry

Thank you so much for your reply and I look forward to having an improvement some time soon. Need to keep on top of these things don’t we ?

Blearyeyed profile image

Vitamin D deficiency is common with people with chronic health issues and for those over 65.Often the 6 week course isn't enough to keep you in normal range.

Do you know what your result was?

It's worth finding out because the labs will only test once every 12 months so you don't get retested, they just assume the course from the GP is enough which is often not the case.

You can help reduce the risk of getting Vitamin D deficiency again and maintain your healthy levels by taking a Vitamin D supplement every day during the Winter months , after your meal containing the most fat in the day , and taking a dose every 2-3 days in the Summer.

This is a NICE guideline for those with health conditions or over 65.

An easy to take and well absorbed version is a spray from BetterYou.

It's available online from Amazon ( cheapest) , from the BetterYou website and from most health shops, Hand B , Boots etc.

The most recommended version is BetterYou Vitamin D3 with K2.

K2 is not the vitamin K that you are told to avoid by doctors because it increases clotting.

K2 actually works by improving metabolism, nerve and cardiac health and it can often be deficient.

You will find Bisoprolol can make you feel more tired because your body had got used to working at a higher blood pressure level but so does your condition.

The trick is to take more rests during different activities, listen to your body and pace yourself.

It is also a good idea to request your GP to do a blood test check of your full blood count , Ferritin/ Iron, Vitamin B12 and Folate if you have had or have a long term health condition every 6-12 months as part of your proactive health routine as deficiencies in these nutrients can occur on various medications or if you are unwell and they make you tired and cause various symptoms.

You can request these via your GP free on the NHS and you are encouraged to do so to help your cardiac health by NICE.

You'll get there , take care , Bee

HibiscusGrower profile image
HibiscusGrower in reply toBlearyeyed

My serum total is 25 according to the breakdown of my blood tests the GP ordered tests to cover everything to see what could be causing this wretched tiredness. Thank you for all your information and advice as I need to buy high level vitamin d over the counter after the 6 weeks have elapsed he said.

I really appreciate your kind words thank you

islandbruno profile image
islandbruno in reply toHibiscusGrower

I concur with Blearyeyed & was going to try to say much the same, however it has been presented in a very impressive way. Bisoprolol had, I believe, the same effect on me re: tiredness plus weakness in my muscles. I hope 2025 improves for you. Bruno

HibiscusGrower profile image
HibiscusGrower in reply toislandbruno

Thank you for your reply it’s reassuring to know that other people have similar issues to me. I am looking forward to speaking to a cardiologist soon to see what life has in store for me.

Best wishes for the New Year

Gigi70 profile image

morning Hibiscusgrower

Are you surprised - 🌧️☔️🌚you need a supplement all the time - I take 3000 most days -

Like you I discovered my woeful lack of the sunshine but after my heart disease diagnosis. During Covid there was a great deal of research that increased the NH guidelines. There was also recognition that anyone whose not Snow White might need a considerable dose. Even with the 3000 I am only a moderate result on a recent blood test. It’s actual rays we lack so go and see the Hisiscus flowers / suggest Caribbean - pronto. It’s the norm for Notth Americans each winter and hotels are full of them right now to build up Vit D so lacking in Northern climates just now.

Enjoy your trip to the sun or a sun bed?


HibiscusGrower profile image
HibiscusGrower in reply toGigi70

Yes I had to smile to myself with such a low reading and never seeing much sunshine, the better prescription would have been if the GP had prescribed 2 weeks holiday 🤣😂

I need to check if it’s ok to fly when I have my appointment next week.

Best wishes to you

scentedgardener profile image

Vit D is best absorbed with K2.Unfortunately I can't take standard vit D derived from lanolin, it seems I can't tolerate that as it was being prescribed the weekly 20,000 iu units that resulted in me being here. I buy a vegan vit D derived from algae.

No doubt some people feel better with replete vit D levels, but I don't think my fatigue is a direct result of deficiency; a few years ago my level was 18.7 but I felt okay. Last year it was under 15 and I'm very much not okay, but as the blood tests are so infrequent it isn't easy to establish how much bearing replete or deficient vit D levels have on how I feel.

mijmij profile image
mijmij in reply toscentedgardener

My vitamin D level is 18. I have possibly because of it been losing huge amounts of hair since maybe November. It has taken me over 10 years to grow my fine baby like hair significantly long for me and now it is destroyed looking short and my ponytail like a mouse or rats tail. Recent blood tests revealed the severe vitamin D3 deficiency and I’ve been prescribed 50, 0000 for 6 weeks 1 tablet a day or week ( need to check that ) haven’t been well enough to collect prescription yet. Must later as pharmacy very nearby on foot though I’m really not feeling well at all. I have no energy, my hands are freezing cold, can feel my heart working harder and also have severe eosinophilic asthma which I have biological injections for every 8 weeks. Also previously had biventricular heart failure discovered by accident and a shock unexpected finding for them when I was 3 days into my induced coma back in 2018 due to unknown virus/infection and massive asthma attack. Bivent H.F now gone they tell me, though do have a left ventricle issue they deem not of major concern. I have turned 50 end of last year. Did you or has anyone else here experienced significant hair loss due to low vitamin D3? I will try to include a photo of just some of my hair lost since last November or early December. I am very alarmed and incredibly upset by it but thankfully do for the time being still have hair on my head.

Photo of big pile of hair lost possibly due to vitamin D3 deficiency of 18 in test result
scentedgardener profile image
scentedgardener in reply tomijmij

My hair is currently horrible, losing, or maybe not growing, particularly on the right side so is very thin, but lifeless, bad texture, dry, just generally bad.I don't think it's the vit D deficiency that's doing it, I have been deficient for at least 4 years that I know of, and although my hair has always been fine I have always had a lot of it, and it's always been in good condition.

It's one of 3 things, could be my overactive thyroid, or the medication I take for it, or the last possibility is my overactive parathyroid. All 3 are known to cause hair loss.

I keep it short, and alternate between a Redken shampoo and Plantar 39 shampoo and conditioner, that works best for me, although I get up in the morning looking like a dandelion clock with a mohican.

fishonabike profile image

Beta blockers like Bisoprolol are well know for leaving you feeling tired or weak- if your dose is taken once a day, you can try taking it in the evening so that it affects you less during the day

Coper10 profile image

During a hospital admission I was put on once a week 50,000u of vitamin D for 6 weeks . On discharge, I was then prescribed daily 800u vitamin D. At my medication review, I asked for my levels to be checked and they were only just in range while taking the 800u. Therefore I continue to be prescribed these. I still get very tired but that is likely linked to my medical condition.

mijmij profile image
mijmij in reply toCoper10

Coper10 I am currently taking the 50,000u for 6 weeks 1 capsule per week. I have 3 weeks left to go currently. Am not feeling very well from them at all. They want me to take “after this 6 week course is completed” a once daily vitamin D supplement to commence 4 weeks after this 6 week course loading dosage of the 50,000u completed. Plus 4 weeks after the 6 week course of the 50,000u d3 completed to attend for a blood test and then to attend again for another blood test 3 months later. They refers to my GP practice just to be clear and this week they have phone called me to inform my b12 and folate also low and in just under 2 weeks they want to visit GP practice 3 days per week (I don’t drive, GP practice not nearby) to have b12 injections and to start the folate after this significant 2 week possibly longer 3x per week b12 injections finished.

My boyfriend tells me higher prescribed dosage of vitamin D3 and/or vitamin B12 that are taken as prescribed cannot make a person feel unwell because they are vitamins. However I am the one taking the D3 exactly as prescribed and I say yes they can make people feel significantly unwell despite them only being vitamins. Am I correct or wrong? Does anyone medical here perhaps have a definite yes or no answer I do wonder? Or even your own personal experience. I know the D3 50,000u one tablet per week for 6 weeks makes me feel incredibly nauseous, gives me banging headaches, significantly upsets my stomach, increases my thirst making me incredibly thirsty and makes me feel kind of fizzy inside uncomfortably, sore throat, and very tired and these symptoms start once the d3 taken not before and the significantly upset stomach which is very unpleasant and unpredictable lasts several days before settling down, but the nausea, fizzy feeling, and feeling extremely tired/fatigued don’t go away, I ache all over too, sore throat comes and goes, as do the headaches and very painful eyeballs all of which leaves me feeling very unwell and significantly incapacitated. My hair is still falling out in locks but the rate of which appears to have slowed just a little. No massive bald patches but the hair loss is very noticeable and there are wider gaps in between sections of my hair that is now showing more parting like gaps of scalp where locks not strands have fallen out.

Photo of a heavy collection of hair in a pile lost in locks not in fine strands.
Scho1 profile image

Hi, yes I have chronic pericarditis and was prescribed the Vitamin D high dose in hospital. A lower dose combined with vitamin c has now been prescribed and I feel no different at all. I too am on bisoprolol

HibiscusGrower profile image
HibiscusGrower in reply toScho1

I am sorry to read you don’t feel any different I am due to take my second capsule today hopefully it will help but if one thing has happened since becoming unwell I have learnt to be patient!!

Thank for your reply

Anothernewbie profile image

I am on 1000iu D3 and have been for a couple of years. I never felt tired until a diagnosis of A.Fib and I was put in 2.5mg bisoprolol. Now I often feel tired. So I think it possible that it is not Vit D3 causing your tiredness,

polenta profile image

My Cardiologist said that most people are vitamin D deficient, so I have been taking D3 2000iu for the last 3 years now. D3 is also good for your immune system and fighting inflammation.

mijmij profile image
mijmij in reply topolenta

Though ideally vitamin d /d3 should be taken with vitamin k to prevent calcium buildup in certain vessels I think it said instead of it being absorbed into the blood. Just google it. It will inform far better than my attempt. Lol

Qualipop profile image

A few years ago my vit D couldn't even be measured it was so low and boy did I feel the difference when I was put on a very high dose

JezzaJezza profile image

My GP would have everyone he sees on vitamin D between October and April - I live in Ireland. Mine was low and I’m on prescription for 2 x 800 per day.

Fortunately because I’m on dronedarone, I have full bloods done every 6 months so I have an excellent baseline of all my readings.

Best wishes


Hi,I've experienced fatigue since being on Bisoprolol for 2 years. I was also lacking in Vit D and have had 2 high dose courses over the past 2 years which did nothing for the fatigue.

I asked to be prescribed Nebivolol to see if it made a difference, couldn't tolerate the side effects so they tried Diltiziam which made no difference. I'm now back on Bisoprolol and just as fatigued. I've given up trying as I'm going round in circles. Sorry I can't be of help but it's my experience of Bisoprolol and vit D. Hope you get it sorted and let us know how you get on.

Hamedk profile image

Hi HibiscusGrowerI can completely relate to your issues. I was given an 8 week course of Vitamin D. This did take away much of the body pains I was getting. Complete the course. It will make a difference God willing (IA)

HibiscusGrower profile image
HibiscusGrower in reply toHamedk

Hi Hamedk

Thank you for your reply I will definitely complete the course of vitamin d and hopefully will feel the benefits.

mijmij profile image

My vitamin D level is 18. I have possibly because of it been losing huge amounts of hair since maybe November. It has taken me over 10 years to grow my fine baby like hair significantly long for me and now it is destroyed looking short and my ponytail like a mouse or rats tail. Recent blood tests revealed the severe vitamin D3 deficiency and I’ve been prescribed 50, 0000 for 6 weeks 1 tablet a day or week ( need to check that ) haven’t been well enough to collect prescription yet. Must later as pharmacy very nearby on foot though I’m really not feeling well at all. I have no energy, my hands are freezing cold, can feel my heart working harder and also have severe eosinophilic asthma which I have biological injections for every 8 weeks. Also previously had biventricular heart failure discovered by accident and a shock unexpected finding for them when I was 3 days into my induced coma back in 2018 due to unknown virus/infection and massive asthma attack. Bivent H.F now gone they tell me, though do have a left ventricle issue they deem not of major concern. I have turned 50 end of last year. Did you or has anyone else here experienced significant hair loss due to low vitamin D3? I will try to include a photo of just some of my hair lost since last November or early December. I am very alarmed and incredibly upset by it but thankfully do for the time being still have hair on my head.

See photo in my reply to ScentedGardener. I have lost more hair than what’s in the photo but it has been binned or thrown out of window for birds to use in their nests.

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