Has pacemaker fitted but my ferritin has gone done to 14 and I have been suffering from indigestion and constipation for a year
Can you have an endoscopy with a pace... - British Heart Fou...
Can you have an endoscopy with a pacemaker fitted in April this year this is top and tail please

Hi, I had an upper endoscopy done last year of my stomach etc. I have had a pacemaker for over 5 years. I never had any problems with it. They will go through the procedure with you, as well as your medical details before it is done.
Hi Crystal614
Thank you for your kind reply. Did you go to a main hospital I am a bit worried as GP wants to send me to a local clinic with no heart unit if anything goes wrong as I have 7 seconds heart pauses 2nd degree AV block
I did go to the main hospital to have it done. Perhaps speak with your GP and tell him your concerns and ask for it to be done at the main hospital, see what he says. I needed a pacemaker as I was also having 7 second pauses. Pacemaker takes care of that now.
I have a pacemaker and have endoscopys and colonoscopys with no problems at all. I just made sure that they knew about it.
I have both on a regular basis. I have had 2 gastroscopies this year and due another soon. No problem with my pacemaker.
Hi Elguajiro
Thanks for that information. Was it done in a main hospital and did you have something to make you sleepy please ? I have COPD and an worried about getting wound up
It was a main hospital, and I was offered a sedative just to relax you but I declined as I was driving. I have both tests on a regular basis due to long term health problems. I call them 'uppers and downers' 😅
Hii, I have low trans Ferring saturation and I use a spray for it. I buy an iron spray from boots. It's especially good if iron tablets give u side effects. It's helped with bowel movements. The abdominal pain could be because of your heart - I would try to see your consultant - the quite often endoscopy to check the heart in more detail so I would say it's safe but it's your right to be informed before you consent to it. So ask as many questions as you can and want to. Call ahead let them know you have questions and concerns - it's your legal right - good luck
I would phone the department at the hospital your GP wants to use and explain your concern and ask if they have the correct facilities to be able to do it . No point getting there then having them say sorry we can't do it.
Hi Qualipop
Thanks for that my GP wants me to go to a local clinic who refused me before my pacemaker he even rang them so see if they would take me now AHHHH