Have had pain in my left arm for three days thought it was muscle pain been in a draught or something. Tried ralgex spray which usually works, has made no difference at all, and pain killers not doing much either us bad enough to keep me awake, only way to help with the pain is to lie on my arm, am worried with having the A fib could it be a clot
Pain in my left arm: Have had pain in... - British Heart Fou...
Pain in my left arm

I’m sorry to hear this. Safest option really would be to give 111 a call. If it’s been three days, it may, or may not be heart related and it is important to rule that out, including other things. Us hearties should never take the risk with our symptoms.
Let us know how you get on.
Yeah I agree with tos definitely call 111, I had something similar on 19th of June and I waited for ages before doing something and then I got a random bout of weird dizziness so then I called and went to A&E alot later in the day they did ecgs , blood tests and everything was fine but please don't take that chance even though it ended up being nothing I was still glad I went x let us know how the pain is and what 111 say ❤️
As your Doctors surgery should be open I would try them first as phoning 111 you could be waiting all day and then they possibly will say go to A&E obviously if you think you need A&E then go but I would try my own surgery tell them you need to be seen today as this has now been going on several days and see what they say
Hope you will come back and update us and everything turns out to be ok x
I'm going to hospital for a scan tomorrow so will mention it then if still suffering is settling a bit now , no pressure or pain in chest otherwise I would have gone to A&E my doctors are a waste of space they have gone downhill have let me down badly a few times lately why I've ended up like this they didn't detect sepsis ,I was on the phone begging them for help and a home visit as so I'll they refused me antibiotics I ended up in A&E on a drip in hospital for a week and made the AFib go nuts
I am glad it has eased and you can mention it tomorrow if not you know your own body so I know you would know if you needed to be seen
I am so sorry what happened to you and can see why you think your Doctors are a waste of space I had a similar experience with just one Doctor I would always see told me I had a virus I kept phoning saying I cannot breath 2 weeks later I was been rushed into resuscitation with double pneumonia and then in Intensive care
I do think that doctor missed it but she has retired now and the one I have I try and put faith in her but it can be so hard cant it when you have been let down so badly
Hope everything goes well with your scan and the pain has gone altogether in your arm to x
A Dr that misses Sepsis should be disciplined big time, as there is a huge emphasis on Sepsis nowadays. Surely people have to be responsible for their mistakes. If a garage left you with bad brakes and you got hurt they would be dragged through the courts. Unforgivable this crap that happens all too often in recent years is put down to them being overworked?. People deserve a lot better.
Even us lowly community pharmacists have to do annual sepsis updates despite the fact would rarely see it on the high street. But the big message is always THINK SEPSIS.
It is always best to check it out! I had a strange atypical chest and left arm pain which I sat on over a weekend. Went to A&E in the end and had full heart check which was clear also from some tachycardia which settled once I was there.
Turns out it was Costocondritis, but was very glad that I had it checked as it puts your mind at rest ….. and your mind certainly goes all over the place when there is an unusual pain!!
Just out of interest how long did the Costocondritis take to resolve, I got it from a bad C cough 6 weeks ago and its getting better but still lets me know its still there. Just taking Paracetamol for it occasionaly when it plays up as I can not take anti inflammatories. I also have Afib.
I think it took about three months to completely settle down with help with some Accupuncture and the osteopath working on my shoulder muscles. I can only take paracetamol ( on Bisoprolol) and it didn’t really help. The greatest help was finally being told that the pain was Costocondritis not heart related!
Please just get it checked out at A&E. In 2019 I had pain I’m my left arm/shoulder. No other symptoms. Never had heart problems. I phoned 111 after 3 days of not improving, they said rest it, it’s probably muscular. Following day I had a HA. Ended up with heart failure. If I had gone to A&E instead I would probably not have had HA as hopefully they would have detected the blockage and stented it. A decision I will forever regret. My consultant said that 111 should have advised me to go to A&E. Hope you get it sorted today. Please let us know.
I would get this checked out I had a heart attack 2 years ago. This started as pain in my left arm. And I just took it as pulled muscle etc. It started on the Monday. And on the Saturday morning I woke up sweating feeling sick my wife called 999 as I was having a heart attack.So please get some professional advice as soon as possible.
111 please ASAP just to be on the safe side 👍
Where abouts in your left arm, do you get the pain. Like myself I have persistent pain in my left arm, around the bicep. When I touch my arm, I cant feel where the pain is coming from
Already have spoken to a cardiologist, and it possible the pain in my left arm, is heart related. So it looks like it nerve pain in association with chest pain, but what is the cause. They think I have a blockage in my left artery, which will be confirmed once I get my angiogram
Get it checked out Kimmy then you got peace of mind.👍
I had aching in my left arm for a number of years particularly when exercising, inignored it thinking it was muscular and connected to my workout regime. I had no other risk indicators, fit healthy good diet etc. In may I had a triple heart bypass after severe heart disease was discovered in all my arteries. DON’T ignore it and push to get every test possible. I was fobbed off by the GP who minimised it I had to insist on a CT scan. I had no other symptoms like chest pain. Do it now! Best of luck.