Hi, I am looking for some advice if possible. I am just under a week of having my CRT-D device fitted. Still very bruised and sore, the operation had some complications and so took 4 hours but was successful. I keep having palpitation like feelings in my chest and my heart feels like it is beating so much harder. Has anyone else had this experience? Is it a normal feeling once you have the device fitted? Thanks for any help.
CRT-D Worries: Hi, I am looking for... - British Heart Fou...
CRT-D Worries

Hello Jaskei,
Your heart has been through a lot as you mentioned in your message and it is still early days. Take it easy, plenty of rest and you should start to feel better/more normal.
I’ve had a CRT-D fitted and for what I recall, the only major difference I’ve noticed compared to the old pacemaker was the bulk ones of it.
Took me a while before the swelling and the bruising went does and started to feel comfortable again.
Did you have a pacemaker before or is the CRT-D the first ever implant? Because if it is your first, it is also quite normal to be very much aware of the beating of your heart which is now helped by the electrodes of the device.
It is a bit like a new pair of glasses: it takes a little while to get used to but the our body adapts to that feeling and becomes normal…I hope my comparison makes sense 😁.
Obviously if the uncomfortable feeling stays there, it is def. Worth talking to the electrophysiology team.
Wish you all the best
Thank you so much for your reply Yes this is my first implant, before this I took medication for just over 12months.
Yes your explanation makes very good sense and this is what I was hoping would be the case, everything just feels really weird at the moment and although my results showed very different I didn't really feel like I needed the device, if you get me.
I am hoping as the days pass my body will get used to it and things will settle down. I was just a little worried incase this was not a normal feeling.
Thanks again for the reassurance.
Hi Jaskei
I’ve just had a CRTD last Wednesday and I’m still suffering with the bruises coming out and the site where the device is it seems so big. My wound doesn’t look infected or anything but I’m still taking strong painkillers all the time. I see the nurse tomorrow at my GP surgery the 1st wound check up a week after having it done so I will feel better when I’ve seen her. I’ve felt palpitations on just one occasion in bed at night and it scared me incase something had gone wrong but I changed positions and I lie on my back propped up with lots of pillows when I sleep. When you have a procedure like this it’s all about the lead up to it and when you have it done I personally didn’t think about afterwards too much so it’s been a shock being in so much pain but I can tell it’s getting a bit better each day thank goodness. Hope you feel better soon and get to talk to someone about it. Good luck x
Thank you for your reply.I had mine done last Tuesday so you are 1 day behind me.
I 'thought' after a week I would be back to some sort of normality and I'm nowhere near that yet. I have my first appointment on 19th September which is for the device check up, I haven't had any appointments for a wound check up. I guess the unknown is a scary thing, which is why I decided to ask the question on here.
I too sleep with lots of pillows propped up.
Hope you are soon back to good health x
it’s good to know we can share our experiences and help each other. I was told I would see someone in 4 weeks about the device and checking it but haven’t had a date yet. They gave me a letter in an envelope and said to make an appointment at my doctors to see the nurse that looks at post op wounds in one week which I’ve done. They will have your update of the procedure from the hospital so do the same phone your doctors and ask for a post op check up of your wound with the nurse and if you still have questions you can ask her. Let us know how you get on. X
I had fast heart rate after mine was fitted that’s why I ended up on bisoprolol.
I was already on Bisprolol before I had it fitted, but with the device my heart does beat faster than it did before hand.
I had mine fitted 5 years ago but 2 years ago I had to contact the device clinic because my heart felt like it was beating very fast and they managed to sort it out. I can’t advice anyone only the professionals can help you. I usually contact my device clinic if I feel anything abnormal and usually they either know about it or they invite me in to sort it out.
I guess it takes a little time to work out what feels normal and abnormal, I'm sure I will get there in the end. See what they say in 3 weeks at my first device check up.
It definitely does take time. I’m not sure if you was given the device clinic number, if you was, don’t forget if you have any worries it’s best to call them and check but it does take time to settle. I forget I even have one fitted now. I went to a&e the other day and the nurse said to me you have a pacemaker and I said oh yes I forgot😂. You will get there.
Hi. I felt the same beating/palpitations feeling when I first had mine fitted and I was also pretty bruised for a while. It may be worth you getting in touch with your cardiologist or pacing clinic? They may be able to do some tweaks to make you feel more comfortable. I did hear from people who said that they sometimes forgot their pacemaker was there after a while and I used to think…really? But it’s true. Once it’s settled down. Hope you get sorted. Take care. X
Thank you so much, at least its not as worrying hearing other people have had the same. I will see if I can find out how to get in touch with the pacing clinic if it continues over the next couple of days. Otherwise I think it's just a matter of being patient!
Thanks again x
Hi all, just an update on my previous post . I have had my CRT-D in 2 weeks today. Last Thurs my alarm went off. Today I went to the pacing clinic to be seen and was told 2 leads have displaced, it is looking like I am going to have to go back in so they can try and replace the leads. My original op was horrendous and nearly 4 hours long due to complications I am absolutely dreading going back in and my anxiety is now through the roof. Has anyone else had this done and is it as bad as the original implant?