Hi my husband is going to have CRT- device fitted in a eek or so, any advice for after care?
Care after CRT-D : Hi my husband is... - British Heart Fou...
Care after CRT-D

A former colleague had one fitted at the age of 30. He was home late the same evening and working from home within two days. If he had to go into work and/or it is heavy it may be 2 - 4 weeks before he can resume work. Driving will be an issue as he will not be able to drive for anything up to six months. He will need to inform the DVLA and his insurance company.
Hi my husband has an ICD fitted. His was done at Papworth & he was kept on overnight just as a precaution. Came home next day & although the site was very sore for a few days he was absolutely fine. There's a number of do's & dont's for a while but the hospital will go through them. Avoid getting too close to anything with magnets in them such as speakers etc & also be aware the device can set off shop alarms but most shops are aware of this, my husband always manages to set off the M&S alarm!!
Hi Purplerain, we all react differently and a lot depends on how easily the third lead can be placed. If all goes well and leads are easily placed recovery should be swift , no heavy lifting, do not raise arm above shoulder height for 4 to 6 weeks and keep the wound sore dry for the first week. DVLA need to be informed and depending on reason for CRT it’s either a one month or six month stint of no driving. The third lead was very hard to fit when I had mine done (3hours plus) so I had extensive bruising which was incredibly painful for weeks, that’s not the norm but could happen and wish I had been prepared for that. For the journey home from hospital I was glad my friend brought padding for the seatbelt, pain killers effect wore off just as I set off home too so try to ensure that doesn’t happen. Good luck for a trouble free fitting. I feel it’s a case of being prepared for being fine after a few days or feeling rough for quite a few weeks! I was very blasé and thought I would be fine after two days so came as a real blow when I wasn’t
Hi Purplerain58, my mum is week and a half post CRT-D implant having been upgraded from an ICD, she’s been very Lucky and not even had to take any painkillers from day 1, the only issue is getting her to remember she can’t lift things raise her arm etc as she is in no pain she keeps forgetting. She was also allowed home same day which we didn’t expect as she has to have general anaesthetic as she’s allergic to local. Due to also being diabetic she went to the Drs on Day 4 to get a wound check and was advised to keep it covered until day 7, and as she was an upgrade she’s been told she only had to refrain from driving for a week as the didn’t have to touch the defib lead. Good luck to him where’s he having it done.
Thanks, he's going to Salisbury, we have had a good experience so far, just hoping it all goes smoothly, but best to be prepared if not.