I am going to have a procedure in the next few weeks CRT-D (cardiac re-synchronisation therapy - defibrillator fitted.
Cardiologist is going to put me on Amiodarone tablets along side the device then after some time will stop the pacemaker part to see if the tablets do the same job. Then depending on results will do an ablation to the left lower ventricle to get rid of the part of the heart that isn’t working. If this all works he says I will not need the device and will remove it.
it is so much to take in as he says I haven’t got a choice it’s my only way forward and he says this drug has lots of serious side effects.
As these things happen things might change to another route depending on whether it works for me.
Has any one had similar experience they can share with me to help me come to terms wit it please? I’m scared of the ablation part as well if anyone can let me know what to expect and after it’s done. Thank you, JOY.