34 years old heart problems just rece... - British Heart Fou...

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34 years old heart problems just received echocardiography report back, absolutely terrified now! Hope someone reads this, feeling lost.

Liam-James profile image
15 Replies

Hi guys I’m sorry this is a long post but please bare with me, I’m 34 years old have always been quite fit, healthy and strong, but the past 3-4 months I started to not feel myself anymore just noticed little signs like chest discomfort, indigestion like symptoms feeling tired etc, I noticed I was losing weight. I had an ultrasound in October and an endoscopy in November and they came out fine with nothing untoward going on with my stomach I’ve been taking pantoprazole for the indigestion symptoms for around 10 months. I also tested positive for COVID in November when I had a drive through test on the 8/11/2020 so it has been a very busy and tough time for me, not sure if the COVID could be a factor for any of the issues I’ve then had going forward.

On December the 16th I had a bad night and felt really unwell with chest discomfort went to a&e and had an ecg but was told I was fine, my GP put me on propranolol 10mg 3 times a day saying I was suffering anxiety, when I started taking them I had terrible side effects, feeling cold, cold hands and feet, I felt really weak and I couldn’t eat or sleep. After about 13 days the doctor told me to stop taking them so I did straight away.

My doctor put me onto sertraline 50mg as he said that may be better for anxiety and will help, I have always suffered with anxiety but I don’t feel I was suffering terribly with anxiety when I went to see my GP I felt as though that was his go assumption and just out me on the propranolol instead of investigating the symptoms I was telling him I was experiencing.

Once I stopped taking the propranolol around the 29/12/2020 I noticed my heart rate was speeding up more every time I seemed to just get up to move around and my heart rate was through the roof and my heart seemed to be thumping more out of my chest. On New Year’s Day I got out of bed and felt really dizzy and weak and basically passed out, I was took to hospital and had an ecg and blood tests for signs of heart attack but they came back fine, the doctor in hospital referred me for an urgent Echocardiogram and 24 hour ecg monitor.

I had the Echo on the 5/1/2021 and had the 24 hour ecg fitted the same day, as of last Wednesday 20/1/2021 I received a letter from the consultant physician saying....

“ I have received the echocardiography report of Mr Liam. The echo shows normal left and right atria. The LV shows impaired systolic function with abnormal septal motion. EF 40-50%. Right ventricular contraction is good. Aorta appears normal”.

The letter doesn’t say anything else and I’ve now had an apportionment made for a phone consultation with a cardiologist for the 5/2/2021.

I’ve been to see my GP who last week as of Thursday 21st put me on bisoprolol 1.25mg as I had told them about the constant thumping heart rate coming through my chest and the constant tight, squeezing uncomfortable feelings I get as though something is restricted or trapped. The bisoprolol has helped with the thumping heart rate and the fast heart rate and has calmed that down somewhat but I notice it more when I’ve woken up in the morning when it’s worn off before I take another.

I am absolutely scared to death with what came back from my echo as I was not expecting it and I’m so worried that I’m going to die and my hearts going to give up on me any second. I’m not quite sure how to interpret what came back on the letter and how bad it truly is and what happens next.

Has anyone got any experience the same or similar to mine? Is the bisoprolol a good medication to take? So far I’ve felt ok on it, a little tired slightly cold at times but nothing to bad, I’m wondering if the dose is strong enough or if my GP should be putting me on something else like an ace inhibitor to help my heart from working to hard. I’m so worried I could have a heart attack at anytime especially if my ejection fraction is below what it should be and the right ventricle will be working harder than the left to pump the blood around, and I’m unsure what having an abnormal septal motion even means and how bad that is?

I’m sorry about the long message but I’m hoping someone may have some advice and help for me, thanks.

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Liam-James profile image
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15 Replies
Lauriem4 profile image

Sorry youre feeling like this do you get palpitations have you had a 24 hour holter monitor? X

TooLate4Daughter profile image

Sounds like you're getting pretty fair attention from GP and Hospital, hope all works out well. Call the BHF Nurses on the BHF helpline to help you understand the letter and how best to look after yourself until you get your Consultant's telecon etc. Have you got a home blood pressure, heart rate meter and a finger tip oxygen meter - both good ideas for regular home monitoring and reporting to doctors.

Buzzy-Beans profile image

Hello Liam-James;

I am so very sorry for you on reading through your very detailed letter. I am unable to pass any direct comment for or a bout any of your medications, but it reads like you are in a similar boat to me in as much that you have some distinct anxiety and heart problems that don't tick any of the NHS boxes of understanding and so you are parked in a siding being used as a guinea pig to test one medication after another, I might be very wrong, but that is how I feel I am being treated for my problems.

My problems have been going on since November 2017 when I had a very heavy bout of the flu which lasted for 2 months, this then went to an exceptionally heavy chest cold which then became bronchial pneumonia. Roll on 11 months of feeling terrible and generally inactive and I then had a very large stent fitted, 4 days later I was blues and twoes to A&E, wired for sound and on oxygen, I was going to be kept in for tests, then only a few hours later I was suddenly discharged without any tests being undertaken! This happened twice more over the following 12 months and on each occasion I was discharged without anything being done.

My consultant at Papworth appears to be playing a guessing game with my meds, oh we will try you on this, oh we will reduce that etc. etc. Amazingly I have been discharged by her, yet I was instructed to contact her on an SOS basis if I thought I needed more help!! I am in exactly the same SOS situation with my respiratory consultant as well.

I am basically learning to live with my problems, I use a GTN spray whenever I start having chest pains, you don't mention if you have been prescribed the amazing Glyceryl Trinitrate Spray that you give 2 squirts under your tongue whenever you start having bad chest pains. For me it is my life saver!

As for your anxiety, many years ago I learnt self hypnosis techniques as suggested by my swimming coach to slow down my heart rate before races and to clear anything other than the immediate race out of my head..... For years I have used this technique to slow down my heart rate and achieve total focus in numerous sporting events such as cycling, golf and rugby. In basis, you control your breathing when sat alone by yourself and start to totally focus your mind on a single object whilst taking very slow deep controlled breaths whilst all the time concentrating on that single object. Even now, even at the age of 72, I can still slow my heart rate right down to the low to mid 20's. I taught my wife basically how to do these techniques and she is able to stop her hiccup attacks in only a few seconds. Who knows you might find them to be of help to you?

Good luck

Peony4575 profile image

Hi Liam I am sorry you are having such a tough time . It sounds to me that what you experienced when you stopped your propranolol was beta blocker rebound . Although some people can just stop their beta blockers it is never advised to stop them abruptly because you can get terrible palpitations and spiking blood pressure . Putting you on another beta blocker would dampen that down but you need to be careful and titrate the dose down if you stop those . Search for bisoprolol withdrawal either on here or on the net . Am not qualified to comment on your echo report but hope they can help .

Clerkenweller profile image

We all get anxious when we’re first diagnosed with heart issues. Not surprising since the heart is our unseen engine. However anxiety worsens the issue. A lot of people here have full lives for decades after initial diagnosis and live very full active lives. The important thing is you’ve been diagnosed and in the system. You are also young and fit. I assume no smoking limited drinking and healthy diet. If not address those issues. So my tips would be these. Do not consult Dr Google. There are some very misleading sites which will increase your anxiety. Trust your cardiologist and GP. Okay they’re not perfect but if you take careful note of your symptoms discuss with them and check what they tell you - here is a good place - you should be good. Gentle exercise is good, walking especially (brisk but not too far). If your body complains stop 🛑 As for anxiety personally I find stretching and meditation very helpful. I hope all goes well.

GracieOS profile image

Hi Liam, first thing to say is that you EF measurement of 40 to 50 % isn't too bad. Normal isn't 100%, it is a range from 55 to 70%. The key thing is how you are feeling, what symptoms you are experiencing. There are drug treatments that can get you EF back into the normal range. Two years ago my EF was low to mid 30s. Last test, in September, it was back in the normal range at around 56%. This was a result of drug treatment and regular moderate exercise. I'm 57 now, 55 when diagnosed. So significantly older than you but not old. I was perfectly fit before and had no risk factors for heart problems. These things just happen sometimes. Yours may well be related to Covid and could clear up in time.

The mental health impact of knowing there is something not quite right with your heart can be profound, it was for me. That's a normal reaction. Try seeing a counsellor, it helped me.

Key message is to try and stay positive, this is treatable. Good luck x

GreenGuy999 profile image

Hi Liam,

Interesting background, I suppose the first thing is you’re not alone. Some similarities I’ve had are covid in October and been having the thumping heart rate. I’m on 1.25 every day and its a pain taking it cause I’ve no idea what my diagnosis is yet. This weekend I’ve got a a 72hr monitor coming. Have you got anyone like a cardiologist to talk to? What about your GP?

As for anxiety have you got any techniques to help calm you? Im wondering if mine is down to lack of sleep and work.

Hi Liam-James I think taking pantopraz ole for 10 months has contributed to your current problems bc taking pantoprazole for longer than 3 months can deplete your magnesium levels which is essential for heart health so although it was helping your acidity / heartburn it wasnt helping your heart Then you have been given one drug after another not all of them really nessasary and just making you a bundle of nerves , I am not a medical professional but it seems to me all your problems stem from the original acidity heartburn issues which can be treated naturally , you really should consider yourself a healthy fit person bc that's what you are you have just had bad reactions to the drugs you have been given , have a good healthy diet , do gentle exercise and seek ways to ease your stress it is going to take time for your body to go back to normal after all the drugs you have taken

Liam-James profile image
Liam-James in reply to lillyofthevalley37

Hi everyone thank you so much for the replies, lillyofthevalley37 I wasn’t aware that pantoprazole could have those affects? I’ve felt for a while it hasn’t been working for me anymore I’m going to talk to my GP about stopping it when I have an appointment Friday but I’m not sure if you can just come off proton pump inhibitors or you have to wean off them? I don’t want to get a rebound of acid reflux and indigestion symptoms, what sort of natural things for indigestion are highly recommended?

I’ve always been of good health and fitness I’ve always done walks and been strong I used to go to the gym do weights but when covid first came a year ago I stopped the gym and now I mainly just walk a lot and do lots of press ups and pulls ups. I prefer doing that as it’s easier to fit in around work but I’ve not been doing any of that since my hearts been pounding as I was worried I could cause myself more damage and bring on a heart attack if I started banging out press ups and pulls ups and stressing my body.

I don’t smoke never have, I’m a moderate drinker I used to go to the pub with mates but now days I have a few drinks with the missus when we feel like it but that isn’t a sort of daily thing more of a treat when we feel like it. But I haven’t had any alcohol since the 15/12/2020 since I started to feel worse and everything’s been a downward spiral ever since. I just want to be how I was, fit and strong with a healthy heart.

I’m just praying my low ejection fraction isn’t because of heart failure or something to do with some underlying or hereditary condition or valve or coronary artery disease and maybe has been caused by the propranolol rebound or the covid and can possibly be fixed. I’m also concerned about the abnormal septal motion I don’t quite understand what that even means and how serious that is, hopefully when I have my cardiology appointment with a consultatant a week on Friday I will find out more.

I feel very let down by the GP practice and the GP’s I feel he just pinned my issues on anxiety and I really wasn’t suffering with anxiety he stuck me on propranolol with no insight into what it did, what the affects could be and the after affects it’s as though they had no concern for my health and well-being then just told me to stop taking them with no mention of weaning off them and tapering down over a number of weeks I just stopped cold turkey on there advice. I’ve now changed GP practice to a much better one which already have been so much more help and really listened to me and what I’ve been going through, I feel I should be reporting my previous GP surgery because I’d hate for anyone else to go through what I have.

lillyofthevalley37 profile image
lillyofthevalley37 in reply to Liam-James

Hi Liam-James the members on this site have more knowledge than me regarding heart issues, so keep using it , but yes always stop any drug very very gradually with help from your GP , I must also add that natural aids can be harmful , you are on an SSRI and a betablockers now so I wouldn't like to suggest anything else to add to your regime , it's a shame you are on all these drugs because to me you don't seem seriously ill with heart failure you seem to be suffering from being on that heartburn drug for too long, like I said though it's going to take time to get right

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Liam-James

Slippery Elm is a well known supplement for digestive issues . Biocare is a reputable manufacturer. As with all natural supplements you should run it past your doctor if you are on medication .

RufusScamp profile image

When I was hospitalised for something else, they found I had heart failure. EF of 20%, although I was not aware of any problems up til then. This scared me, until the doc said that normal was about 55%. I have been on bisoprolol, 10mg. for over a year with no side-effects.

It sounds as if you are being well-looked after. If it is an after-effect of COVID, it may improve with time. I know it is a frightening series of events, but there are people with even worse conditions that are coping. I hope you continue to get help, and remember, there are plenty on this forum in your position who can listen and offer advice.

Celtic1956 profile image

Liam Tony here your not going to have a heart attack I did have heart failure jan2020- my lv was20 percent your lv is good .meds will help your lv . heart attacks will occur if your aorta or heart blood supply are blocked but you say yours are clear .we all suffer anxiety which can be worse than any illness I did have blockage in three blood vessels and a blocked aorta valve had triple bypass at kings collage my lv is now (50) and I'm doing very well so trust your cardio team and you will by fine Tony

Jaaack23 profile image

Hi Liam how did the consultation go with the cardiologist what was the outcome?

SAMARJIT profile image

Liam-James. The normal ejection fraction is about 60%, Hence your measured ejection fraction is good. Your diagnosis is not clear yet. You will need the next cardiologist appointment to define the illness before consideration of further drug treatment. Regards.

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