Hi - I wondered if anyone on here has had any similar experiences to me? I’m a male in my late 30’s who up until Feb 2020 had never even thought about my heart. I’m a bit overweight (bmi 27) but have always been pretty fit, could easily run 10km, cycle all day and generally do what I wanted. My heart rate has always been quite low, around 55bpm. Then I had an episode where it felt like my heart stopped, I fell to the floor, didn’t pass out, but my heart rate shot up to 140 and an ambulance was called. Ecg and x rays were normal. This happened a few more times over the following 6 months, heart feels like it stops, then bang, off it races, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness - but ecg, X-ray, bloods at hospital show no issues.
Over the past year I’ve been to Papworth for mri, ct-angio, ecg stress test, ultrasound, 7 day holster ecg but nothing significant has been found. The worst they can find is ectopic beats, slight dilation of the left ventricle and a borderline Ejection Fraction of 50%.
They say that none of this should be causing the regular chest pain, fatigue, and spikes in heart rate that I am experiencing. They say I should be confident that my heart is in good health and there is nothing to worry about. But how can that be when these episodes are getting worse and I have more regular chest pain? Could they be missing something? My gp doesn’t help, just refers me back to Papworth and they say they’re not concerned.
I’m writing this at 3am after another night of being woken gasping for breath with chest pain and dizziness. None of it stacks up. Anyone else out there living with symptoms that can’t be diagnosed?
Thank you