Hi there,
I've not posted on here for a long time. I received such great advice when posting before and I wondered if anyone could offer any help now.
Very brief history, I am female, aged 47 and perimenopausal (on HRT). I started having palpitations, ectopic beats around 2 years ago and had a suspected SVT in Nov 21 (suspected because they didn't catch it on ECG). HR went to 210 BPM.
I was put on 1.25mg of Bisoprolol back then and they caused me to have bad anxiety. I weaned off of them but ended up on Propranolol 80mg Slow release because palpitations came back. At the time I had a 2 week monitor, 2 Echos, numerous ECGs and was told that apart from the ectopics and palps there was nothing wrong with my heart.
Everything has been ok for the past year and then on Thursday I had many many ectopic beats. They were coming all the time and I caught 4 in a row on my apple watch ECG. This went on for about 8 hours. I took a 10mg propranolol tablet (which my dr said was fine to take as and when needed alongside the 80mg slow release). They died down in the end but it has happened again today. My son came home and said he had a detention and the ectopics started (sometimes 4 in a row). This is totally freaking me out which is obviously a vicious cycle and making them worse.
When I take an apple watch ECG is shows my usual heart beats and when I feel the ectopics the ECG shows longer heart beats that look the same as the normal ones but wider (if that makes sense).
Anyway, So sorry for long post. I'm booked in to see my Cardiologist on Friday so will obviously show her all this information but I guess I wondered if anyone ever has ectopics in a row like that and if anxiety can cause it?
Thank you in advance 😊