Simvastin and joint pains: Following on... - British Heart Fou...

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Simvastin and joint pains

13 Replies

Following on from Dovastons messages re awareness of joint pain whilst on Simvastin - Prior to my HA and admittance to hospital and open heart surgery in June of last year I was on 40mg of the drug to assist in lowering cholesterol. I am also diabetic but after having lost a shed load of weight, I am on no medication now and managed by a very sensible diet and can say without question my cholesterol is almost nil. During my hospitalisation simvastin was increased to 80mg and am still on it six months later. Have been going to gym (see What is Appropriate Exercise) since September and have had a nagging hip pain that the osteopath initially suggested was Bursitis and duly injected the joint. However the workouts increased. On or just before 10 December whilst at the gym,I developed an excruciating pain in the same hip, which had until that time, been slowly decreasing since the injection. The pain was so debilitating I again went to the Osteopath who said it was now Gluteus Maximus Muscle Pain concentrating on the tendons of the muscle, where they are attached to the hip bone - something similar to a tendon rip. The Osteopath offered another injection or deep muscular massage and/or rehab regime at a hospital until better. I asked whether I could work through it and the Osteopath said that I could. However, to this day my hip is excruciating and shows little sign of getting better.

Having just read about Simvastin, my question is could my hip pain be something that is aggravated by or caused by the drug? Am I right in thinking that after six months, it is usual to go through a review of drugs relation to my surgery? Is Simvastin one of the drugs that is decreased or ceased?

I am due an HBa1C (15 January) after a blood test just before Christmas, ran by the diabetic nurse so could ask the question there or go see the doctor - however, I am fishing for any experience anyone might have regarding this issue for I am a firm believer that one does try to help themselves first - within reason!

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13 Replies
Prada47 profile image

Hi ticking HNY

Could it be just worn out joints at your age !! are they are starting to show wear & tear,

I know mine are !! my 72 year old bones do tend to creak a bit even on reasonable exercises. I don't know much about Osteopaths, but if it continues would it not be worth consulting a Orthopaedic Hospital Specialist. I don't know how they decide if you need joints replacing is it by MRI or X ray etc but if (steroid injections guess ) don't cure it, it looks like you need a new joint. ( See you don't need Dr Google we can do it on here ) LOL have you ever changed Statin ? my GP switched me from Simvastatin to Pravastatin to cure calf pain/ache and it did the trick. Enjoy your new dog.

Stokes aka Prada

in reply to Prada47

Thanks for the reply. The location of the pain and when it hurts or is manipulated, indicates it is not worn or arthritic joints. Looks like it may well ease with a medication change. What was your pain like and where did it come from? Did it just appear or was there a trigger?..................................................What new dog are you referring to my friend?

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to

Just appeared, I used to walk a couple of miles to town after a few months it became quite difficult due to the Calf Pain/Ache. After switching statins it went away. I thought I had read you were getting a Dog sorry my mistake !!

in reply to Prada47

There appears to be many who have suffered leg pain of one sort or another because of Simvastin and although it must have been nasty, I am relieved to hear that this horrible pain might just go away. As I mention later in the thread, had a telephone consultation yesterday and Doc has told me to stop taking the Simvastin for 2 weeks and will discuss after that. I was on 40mg before CABG and went up to 80mg afterward with a difference of from 3.7 to 2.9 so no great change there and I believe well into safe zone anyway. The pain is so out of character and hope this will cure the problem.

I actually have two very loving brown Labradors and are getting another in April as one of the current ones is about to pass 11yrs and would not like to leave the other without company. It just took me aback when you said about the new dog and wondered if we knew each other in another life.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

I had joint pain with Simvastatin that disappeared when I changed to Atorvastatin. Your GP should be your first port of call.

jimmyq profile image

"I am on no medication now and managed by a very sensible diet and can say without question my cholesterol is almost nil."

What diet are you following?

in reply to jimmyq

Sorry to sound pompous I am just following a calorie controlled sensible diet without any frills or treats - other than Christmas etc. I eat loads of fruit and vegetables and take vitamin D only. No sugar at all unless no option. No fatty meat that is grilled or roasted - no fried at all. Very few potatoes, brown rice and Hovis seeded "light carb" bread that is delicious.

jimmyq profile image
jimmyq in reply to

I am curious about other peoples' diets, especially if they are having a positive effect.

zorro1 profile image

My mum, in her 70s, developed very severe hip pain whilst on Simvastatin to the point where she could barely walk. Her GP stopped the Simvastatin after blood tests revealed it was causing prob lems. The pain eased quite quickly and the disability eventually resolved. Some people are genetically unsuitable for Statins.

Handel profile image

Hi ticking-ticker.

I'm type 1 too - almost 40 years.

I was put on Simvastin many years ago but after joint pain, rushing to the loo every 5 minutes and feeling generally awful, the GP changed the drug and I've been on Atorvastatin 40mg ever since.

On a heart note, my hubby was put on a statin following a reading of 5.3 which I didn't think was too bad at all. The GP started him on 20mg with a review after a month. Hospital took over when he was found to need a quad bypass and his dose was upped to 80mg!

Just waiting for the review at the end of January to see whether this can be lowered!

I'm not a great believer in overdosing for no reason I'm afraid. Not sure whether there have been studies on randomly giving people more than they need!

All the best to you. xxx

Qualipop profile image

Atoravstatin gave me severe problems. Simvastatin is fine yet my husband couldn't tolerate Simvastatin at all. He could barely walk. I would try a different one. BTW since August it's brought my cholesterol down from 5.9 to 3.7 (with diet) and my LDL is 1.2

thetidders profile image

I was on Simavastin for over 6 years with no problems, Angina was diagnosedI was changed to Atorvastatin 40 mg. the dosage remained the same even after I had to have a triple bypass in April 18 & is still the same. I have had no problems with either statin although I do have painful knees which I’ve put down to OA & my age, I’m nearly 70 not the statin.


Have had a telephone consultation this morning and the Doctor has cancelled the Simvastin for two weeks and to review after that. So watch this space and very many thanks for all your advise and comments

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