Hi. I am over weight suffer with depression and pcso my gp as told me to lose weight but im really struggling. I work in care so work long hours and feel tired that i dont want to exercise. Any advice would be appreciated thank you
Advice to lose weight: Hi. I am over weight... - Beyond Body Size
Advice to lose weight

Please be specific. Tell us your height, weight, waist circumference and diet habits.
Hi Andiej88
How are things going? I too work in care and appreciate the problems long hours and shift work can give. However, I try to fit in at least 2 if not 3 Aqua aerobic sessions a week and even if I am feeling tired and reluctant to go I find making the effort to go makes me feel better after. I don't mean to suggest you do Aqua aerobics but find an exercise that you can enjoy and make that extra effort to do it and you will benefit both physically and mentally. This could be something as simple as a walk at regular intervals
As far as eating goes, try making a food diary, write down not only what you eat and when but how you were feeling at the time, you may well see a pattern that emerges and can then take some positive steps to address issues
Hope you manage to get yourself sorted