I have noticed several people complaining about the headaches and migraine attacks they have been getting recently and thought it might be useful to share my very inexpensive but practical tip that I have been using for many years.
I have suffered with both migraine headaches and other types of headaches throughout my whole life and although painkillers do either work or take the edge off the pain, I often find that it takes quite a long time for them to kick in or they don't work at all.
In desperation one day I decided to take things into my own hands and get inventive and this is what I did:
Take one fizzy drinks bottle of the large size (2 litres ?) that has five big nodules which forms the base of the bottle.
Fill this with very cold water from the tap or add ice cubes if you find it helps.
Rest comfortably in an armchair where you can slide down a bit or prop yourself up in bed at a suitable angle and place the now full bottle onto the bridge of your nose (with the bottom of the bottle on your forehead) with your nose falling between the nodules on the bottom of the bottle. You can either hold the bottle upright with your hand or in my case, I rest it on a suitable puffed pillow to support it.
The pressure of the full bottle on your forehead and bridge of the nose together with the effect of the cold contents makes for a pretty good addition to pain killers and at times I have found that by using this method, I can avoid painkillers altogether if I catch it early enough.
So there you have it......my free and very effective headache cure !
Good luck everyone,
big hugs xx