I'm currently under diagnosis for bechets.
I have been good in keeping a symptoms diary ... in a nutshell I experience:
Alopecia aereta
Mouth ulcers frequently
Muscle/bone pain
Stiff sore legs particularly around my ankles and calves.
Chronic fatigue
Genital ulcers....
So with the Genital sores I have been bacj and forth to sexual health to get them tested for herpes. Every time I get a negative result and no other stis either. Had bloods done too and all clear.
My sores start as a red sore area occasional white pimple the the inside of my vulva swells and gets inflamed and then ulcerates. They are large white areas like mouth ulcers which then pit in the middle and get deeper.
I've tried so much to ease the pain. It's taling a huge toll on my career and relationship.
I'm currently in a flare and am so worried about telling work again as I literally can't walk. I've had so much time off I don't know what to do.
The sores are relentless. I'm currently using lidocaine gel and zinc oxide cream and am on colchicine.
Any other tips? Also how do your ulcers start and appear?