I have abdominal distension and gases and discomfort for a week after eat improved by releasing gas anyone experience this symptom and is it link to behcet's?
Git symptom: I have abdominal distension and... - Behçet's UK
Git symptom
Try adjusting your diet if you can for a little while to see if you get any improvements, I get very bloated from eating refined carbohydrates, bread, pasta, pizza, potatoes, anything that contains flour, cakes, biscuits etc. I eat gluten free if I feel like bread etc and certainly helps.
I used metronidazole and thank god I feel better now
I wonder how an antibiotic helped with your abdominal distension and gases, what did you get diagnosed with?
Edited: These I expect had been prescribed for you mouth taste buds you had described.
Sorry to ask another question I get one swallen taste bud it is painfulIs it related to behcet's?!
Hi Esr22.
Gas and distention can have many causes: irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, SIBO, Crohn's disease and intestinal Behcet's (to name a few).
A gastroenterologist can narrow down the diagnosis. Objective evidence can be used to identify celiac disease , Crohn's disease and inflammatory Behcet's. It can be difficult to differentiate the last two because they can be quite similar.
I have had life-threatening inflammatory Behcet's. In my case, it was accompanied by bilateral uveitis--another serious condition.
I hope this information helps.