I’m just curious if anyone has tell tale signs that ulcers (genital) are coming and how to stop them.. i have had extreme itching for a day now and nothing soothes it, just stings but nothing is visible..
thank you in advance!!
I’m just curious if anyone has tell tale signs that ulcers (genital) are coming and how to stop them.. i have had extreme itching for a day now and nothing soothes it, just stings but nothing is visible..
thank you in advance!!
I get a tingling feeling for both types of ulcers. The first thing I use is warm water with a few drops of teatree oil, shaken vigorously, and wash over the area. I have also used with some relief sudacrem, on occasions nothing has appeared after using this for a few days. You have to kind of try many things, I do not normally get itching.
I also usually feel an extreme itching for a few days and then I’m super sore until I can start to see visible ulcers.
I don't have ulcers on inner labia, just painful lumps that break open and they're like a very painful tiny abscess. I get ulcers on the Mons pubis area and the first sign if that is a few pubic hairs are incredibly painful if they are moved and even knickers hurts. I think it's mire in the hair follicle. Then the pubic hair snaps off or falls out, and the area is very painful, swells up as a red lump, then breaks open with white discharge but then the top of the bump opens up to a bloody looking sore/ulcer. The ulcers at that point are large/flat and I can get multiple ones running J to each other. They often heal about 3 mths later with a scar and hair doesn't grow from that scar. A couple of times the ulcer closes up but there is a lumpy type abscess that can remain as a lump below the surface for years but once, I had a weird crusty, bleeding, fast growing lump from the centre of the ulcer and I had to have that removed. I wouldn't have called my condition "genital" ulcers before, nor "vaginal" but my dermatologist said outer labia and mons pubis, are in the genital area.
When it comes to my venous ulcers anywhere on my body I get a horrible tense strangulated feeling then a blue-green circle appears, the centre of which caves a bit before going a proper black colour and the skin breaks down leaving a very deep, rotten hole. That happens in 24 hours but can go to a depth of around 10 inches, tracking along a vein, and can take between 6 mths and up to 7yrs to close over. I wonder if genital or skin ulcers are like that in other people. I've only seen diabetic ulcers and they aren't like that, they're flatter and more superficial and irregular at first.
Clearly one of my GP surgery nurse didn't consider my outer pubic area to be private, I had to take a picture of my vagina and upload it to an nhs website in order to get a doctors appointment. However, she thought the mons pubis was the "groin area" lower on a leg. I was crying and saying I don't want to take a pic of my fanny area. We all know stuff going on the cloud or a phone isn't guaranteed private. What a world where you can't even get a doc appt about your private parts without chancing it becoming publicly viewed. Anyway, as I was balancing over a toilet trying to take a picture of my doodah, the phone slipped out my hand, bounced off the wall, went down the loo and my lovely Samsung galaxy wasn't waterproof. It died and won't even turn on. That darned picture of my vagina with a horrible crusty tumour on the pubic area is now permanently on the phone so I can't dispose of it in case it's recovered. And ironically, that image stays on the cloud and I keep getting sfbjsed the only true way of getting rid of it is to delete it at source. Amusingly, I'll have to ensure my phone is passed down the generations of my family to preserve my terrible secret.
If this had been a normal sexting or vag pic thing, yhrn presumably it's be your body at its best and embarrassing in the wrong hands but not disastrous. But it would be really cringy for everyone to see my privates looking inflamed, bleeding and diseased. It's not on the NHS is the cause of me having to worry about my privates images being out there on a cloud server somewhere.