Hello everyone!
I am really very confused if I have Behcet's or not. Around 2 years ago I started getting very painful, recurrent mouth ulcers almost every month. At the time they started I used to get around 10-15 of them. I wasn't sure if this was the result of my birth control (I started taking bc pills at around the same time) or a vitamin deficiency.
I went to my dentist and he told me it could be because of menstruation.
At the same time I also started getting stomach pain almost every night. I would wake up with the stomach pain and after around 15 minutes it would disappear. I suspected that could be indigestion.
Around that time I also had one episode of an inflamed left foot. Got tests done for gout, came back negative. One doctor told me it could be cellulitis.
I also have very sensitive skin, especially on my lower legs for a very long time. My mother also suffered from itchy lower legs. Went to a skin doctor, told me it could be dry skin.
Now, the most weirdest symptom ever: eye pain and blurry vision on my left eye. I got my lasik surgery done around 3 years ago so I now suspected this could be because of that, although it is really rare to get myopia back after lasik for someone as young as me (I am 26). Went to the eye doctor, he told me my eye looks fine and it could be because of stress.
I changed my birth control pill, I have gone on a gluten free diet and my mouth ulcers seem to have reduced (not sure why) but my eye pain and blurry vision has increased. I also got tests done for my recurrent stomach pain and the doc said I just have too much gas.
I really don't know if I have an autoimmune condition or this is just something I am sinply freaking out about? I often feel very tired and feel like my brain is coudy and I can't concentrate or feel good about myself. I also often get joint pain on my wrists, shoulders knees. Again, I am wondering if this is 'just my lifestyle' since I sit on the computer a lot and I get stressed very easily.