I had some pain in the right hand almost 9 months ago which i thought maybe due to a sprain or injury or repetitive work. Visited an occupational therapist who sent me to physio. I couldn't continue until i knew what they were trying to heal.
Went to an orthopaedic surgeon...had scans done...found nothing. Had some nerve tests done...found nothing.
Had an incident whereby all of a sudden I could not walk...incredible pain and spasms in upper back and neck. Went to hospital did an MRI...found some scattered white lesions...saw 2 neurologists who were concerned it maybe MS. However it was ruled out and I was advised to see a rheumatologist. Have had a number if blood tests done and nothing positive shown up as yet. I have had an underactive thyroid for the past 8 years...some stomach upset over the past year and constant mouth ulcers for many years. Of late o also seem to be bruising quite easily and have a lack of appetite and have lost a few kilosnin a matter of weeks. In the past 8 months the pain which began in the right hand spread to the other hand, forearms, elbows and mid back. Occasionally legs and feet ache also. I have been on Lyrica and now on a 10mg Norspan patch which has left me with severe itching and burn marks. I also had lymph nodes show up and stay for a bit but since have gone down to hardly anything there.
Went to see the rheumatologist a few days ago who then did a pin prick on my arm and advised me that more than likely I had Behcets disease. I had never heard of this before. After almost 9 months of pain and being a medical mystery I may have a diagnosis. He has also requested a whole body bone scan. Just today after 48 hours I have noticed some very slight bruising around the pin pricks. Could I possibly have Behcets disease?