I just wondered of this type of arthritic pain in the small bones of my hands and feet is typical of Behcet? it gets worse with use of the hands/feet.
Do you have lots of pain in the small bones of... - Behçet's UK
Do you have lots of pain in the small bones of your hands and feet?

Hi jill.
Got your message thanks.
Yes I suffer awful pain with my hands and feet my veins swell to four times there size and my ankles swell and the heat coming from them is unbearable. It affects the use of my hands and walking but I just solider on lol as I guess most of us do who can.
Hope your ok Hun
Xxx sue
Yes thank you Sue, I have become irritated with my limitations at the moment but when I push on and do something with my hands or feet the strain in those small bones the next day tells me all about it.
I don't have any swelling in the veins though it is definitely the joints like knuckles and across the width of my feet. The thing is I am feeling a little "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" the last few weeks.....I guess I am like a kid picking a scab.....lol. Or a little like nagging my head on the wall and saying "gosh that hurts"
Yep I think I am irritable......I will put myself on the naughty step and have a stern word with myself Jill xx
How u feeling today are still in your naughty corner lol. Don't go blaming yourself for the pain you suffer Hun. Have you been docs see if they can pin point it. I truely do believe it to be part of BD. Some times I read through everyone's comments and questions and can see we all suffer in very similar ways. Chin up Hun here for you if you want to vent.
Take care sue xx
Yes, Jill - mostly my hands, which get incredibly painful and seem resistant to analgesics. I get the swollen veins too (and ankles). I've always had the vein problem, my upper arms look like breast feeding boobs sometimes! People used to comment on them and it was embarrassing, at least now I know what it is.
As far as my feet are concerned - the pains I get there are in my heels, I think it's called plantar pain. It hurts to stand for even the shortest time and,once again,pain killers don't seem to help.
Yup, definite BD.I know it's going to be a rough day when I get up in am and feels like I'm walking on broken glass. My toes literally curl and I shuffle along like an old woman(will be 40 next month!). Hands also feel like someone took a hammer to them. Does this sound about right? I do feel like it's worse in the cold and of course, don't I happen to live in one of the coldest cities in winter! Chin up Jill, I too hate to ever complain, but I think internalizing what we go through on a daily basis is no good either. It will soon be 1 year ago that I started treatment for this bad flare(was good x 10 yrs!!). I couldn't supress the tears anymore, crying in public etc. So finally went to see the md yesterday who prescribed me some happy pills..hope it helps! Hang in there. I find soaking my feet in warm water with epsom salts helps alot! Also rubbing the feet hands and knees with Votaren Emugel feels great,even for a short time...relaxing before bed.
Take care .... Gen
I didn't start complaining until I found this site - and when I finally did complain I was amazed how lots of my life's niggles, that left my GP confounded and left my rheumatologist disinterested, were common to most of us. The sweaty bettys for instance - I had been investigated for all sorts of nasties, including cancer (I'm often investigated for one cancer or another) yet nobody could tell me why I constantly feel moist and slimy - well, that is when the perspiration isn't pouring off me like somebody's turned a tap on. Neither could they offer any solution. Then I found that many BDers suffer the same symptom. Okay, so it didn't make it go away but at least I know that it's normal for us!
I've been taking happy pills for many a long year. It used to worry me that I didn't know who the real me was, then I came to the conclusion that the sweeties enabled me to be the real me and the miserable, tearful, suicidal me was another illness.
Horrid horrid horrid BD. Lovely lovely lovely BD sufferers.
how lucky are we to have each other?
You are right we do deserve to complain.
I haven't tried happy pills, I may be intolerable if I did as the psychologist I saw felt I was overly positive.....and said "have you always been so positive?" YES, the only thing that has ever stopped me in my tracks is BD.
I also read the post just now about the little boy Frazer with BD and I am so grateful to have this rather than my children or grandchildren, and feel so sorry for that little boy and his mum.
I have agreed with the BD that I will stay in bed today and rest in payment for the fun I had a couple of days ok. Its a fair trade.
Thank you to all you lovely ladies Jill x
Hi, yes I get pain in my feet and hands but my symptoms are kept mostly under control with my medication but when I'm having a flare up I notice that my hands/fingers will stiffen and I can't do the things I usually can with them because of the pain...xxx
Thank you.....That's a good way of describing it Tiger-Lilly my hands stiffen across the knuckles and fingers, thanks there are so many irritating things that seem small but all added together it makes life difficult. Jill xx
Hi all,
My daughter deffinately has the hand and feet and the ancle pain. They swell and at times the skin cracks, creating little splits. I know things have settled a little on Infliximab as she can now play a little netball. Every game brings on pain but she loves to play.
All the best. Michelle
Michelle it must be awful watching your daughter suffer like this. its so nice that you are on the forum...you are an amazing mum xx