Sometimes I find taking Tramadol helps but I really don't like take them. Last night it was just my right leg & was awful. It's like my leg is screaming out for help. Yes I know that sounds bonkers!
Do any of you with BD suffer from Restless Leg... - Behçet's UK
Do any of you with BD suffer from Restless Legs Syndrome? Have you found anything that helps relieve the symptoms. It's driving me mad!!!

It doesn't sound bonkers at all. I don't know the answer. I do know that, for me at any rate, certain foodstuffs make it ten times worse. The culprits are foods that are high in salicylates - there are plenty of internet sites to point you in the right direction, I'll put a couple of links at the end. Salicylates are thought to be one of the causes of ADHD - in fact, that's how I found out my own problem with them as one of my sons, now 27 and more than able to sort out his own food sensitivities thank goodness, struggled dreadfully with what was then known just as hyperactivity - and that was frowned upon by the medical establishment!
We found that by limiting his salicylates AND supplementing his diet with evening primrose oil we achieved a great improvement in the stability of his mood - and his legs!
I must reiterate though - this is just a personal experience and I can't support it with medical evidence or any other sort of evidence that it will work for you.
Hope it does help a bit though...
There's an interesting discussion about it here:
You know I never suffered with this till about 3 weeks ago, and it's driven me potty. It's woken me several times a night. I'm so irritable if think due to the rubbish sleep and joint pain Jill
I get it in my arms, and usually in cycles of about six nights where from about 1pm to 5pm my arms drive me to distraction, and then I don't have it for a month or so. I try lying on my arms hanging them over the edge of bed nothing works. I think diazepam works but not totally sure.
Magnesium might help.
I think diazepam or tamazepam is what helps me. I usually just get it in one leg... I hate that feeling that comes with it, starts somewhere in the pit of my stomach I think?? and then my leg starts and I have to shake my leg to make it go away. crazy bunch aren't we?
I take lamotragine myclonic jerks.
Since I overhauled my nutrition to be free of restless leg has gone away as well as the majority of joint pain. U might try looking at that approach..wish u well
Magnesium and a med called Saroten helped me. I totally agree- it can really drive you mad!
I take amitriptylene (Saroten) & co-codamol. I also found that flow release Tramadol helped.
*slow release Tramadol
As someone else said it doesn't sound mad as if it's not mad enough your bones hurting but that on top is unbearable. I haven't really found anything that works that well as I hate tarmadol and sevredol don't seem to cut it but sometimes I get into the shower and spray my legs with freezing water which stops it for a bit or go and lay on the cold tiles in the kitchen. Sorry I'm not much help but your not alone x
I found this site that seems to offer some good advice:
I know exactly how you feel. I have suffered from restless leg syndrome for 7-8 years now. It wasn't until I saw a neurologist for my migraines 4 years ago that I finally got put on medication for my restless legs. I now take Horizant 600mg at 5 pm and then Carbo/Levo ER 25/100 Mg 3 times daily. I started at once daily but it wasn't enough so they upped me to 3 times daily.
The first few weeks of taking it made me very nauseous, luckily I already was prescribed a nausea pill for my migraines so that helped a lot, I never vomited but was very nauseous but felt way better after my nausea pill, but now my body has adjusted and I have no problems. I think it just takes your body a few weeks to adjust. Now I have no problems. I just can't forget to take my meds otherwise it will act up again.
I remember before I got on these medicines, 1 time it got so bad I couldn't sleep or do anything. The only thing that helped was walking. I felt like I was going insane. Very bad memories for me.
Good luck, and hang in there. I really hope you can talk to a doctor and find some medicine that works for you!
Magnesium eliminates the problem for me.