Hi well as well as starting to have tremours although have eased off I’m having episodes of incontinence Having difficulty peeing then when I’ve finished ike be sitting tger and I’ve peed and didn’t even know Urine test come back negative fore a. Infection Does any one have thus trouble does it stop ??? Dave
Incontinence : Hi well as well as starting to... - Ataxia UK
Yes this is a symptom often made worse by constipation 😢
Hi pat Well that’s making sense as I’ve been on iron tablets 350 Mg since just after Christmas. I’m nit badly constipated but nit going as much as usual. Oh deer hope your well and Tganx for replying X
If you feel constipated, have 4-5 prunes or drink prune juice- 1/2 cup - it's helps pee also. My friend also munches on 1tablepoon of cranberries or has pure cranberry juice.
Good luck
I'm going to ask an indelicate question, How old are you?
You say you've been constipated, Iron tabs will do that to you.
Are you getting enough Green veggies and fruit in your diet? They can help with constipation, Also plenty of bland fluids and Exercise will keep things moving along nicely.
Cheers, Midori