has anyone got any suggestions for a walker because they all seem to run away from me? has anyone any experience of a Veloped?
walker: has anyone got any suggestions for a... - Ataxia UK

🙂I have a Veloped.
I’ve used a lightweight rollator for 10yrs…but since my Vestibular symptoms have progressed I feel the need for sturdier support.
I was torn between the Trionic Walker..or the Veloped. But I particularly like the curved bar handle as opposed to separate handle controls. And the large pneumatic tyres can cope well on any surface. The twin front wheels are handy for climbing kerbs, and despite it’s size I have used it in stores.
It is unwieldy to transport but..the wheels can be easily removed and the Veloped does fold.
They are very expensive ..but I bought mine on Marketplace..I’ve also seen them on EBay.
Hi I have a Drive X Fold which is very light at only 3 kgs! Very important when lifting it in and out of the car. As for running away from you. I do know what you mean, it's just a fact that they all do this in use. I constantly use the brakes in between steps. It's just a question of getting used to them. Hope this helps you...
I have a Veloped which I use for walking in the countryside and a Trust Lets Go Out for walking to the shops and restaurants etc. The Trust folds easily for when I’m in cafes but the Veloped is much more stable and can cope with gravel and beach and cobbles which the Trust cannot. I did take the Veloped to South Africa and Croatia and it was marvellous but I would like something in between for going to cities with cobbled streets. The Trust is very easy to get in the car because it folds like an umbrella, the Veloped fits in but I have to take the wheels off so a bit more hassle but the Veloped is very well made and the wheels detach very easily and the brakes are excellent. I wouldn’t be without eithet now. I keep my Veloped in the garage and the Trust in the house. I have flown with both and have bags for them but wouldn’t have managed with either without my husband. The Veloped bag is very big. I would think about where you will be going/doing with it. I’m quite interested in Byacre as a smaller all-terrain but haven’t investigated myself yet.
I use a overlander by Acre and have tried it on Sand and rough terrain and found it very good have their compact ultra light for internal 😀
Yes I have both a trionic Veloped trek for use on walks in countryside and rough terrain and a lighter basic walker for use in town for ease of access in shops cafes . I would not be without either as they serve different purposes. As for them running away with you both types require you to apply brakes for slopes / ramps . When I was first diagnosed the physio tried me with a basic NHS rollator which was disastrous as it was so light it just came with me whether I fell back or to the side so it was deemed unsuitable . A couple of years later I invested in the Veloped which gave me a lot more confidence going out as it was so sturdy. I later bought a basic lightweight model for use locally as I was struggling lifting Veloped in and out of car just to go to shops or hospital appointments etc. Best to try out for stability first. Good luck 🙂
Hi make shure yours has breaks x