post nasal drip part 3: Hi everybody... - Lung Conditions C...

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post nasal drip part 3

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image

Hi everybody and thank you to all who replied the last 2 posts. I went to see a Private ENT chap yesterday and a wee bit mizzed. Hoping for an insight as to why my nose keeps running etc and why I have to keep clearing my throat.

I have got Bronchiectasis and Asthma so this has been making my life a misery. Not sleeping because I am propped up in bed. I am in antihistamines fexo 180 and a steroid nasal spray and do my nasal salt Neti bottle rinse as well. I have been trying all the suggestions on here thanks everyone but was so hoping the ENT guy could throw some light on it? He said nothing up the nose to point to anything as I had an Endoscope up my nose and down the throat. He thinks it is all about the silent reflux. I do have a Hyitas Hernia and have been taking Omeprozole for years. So Omeprozole increased and advised me to buy Gaviston Advanced to take before bedtime but couldn’t quite understand if I need to take after meals? I think too he told me that my blood tests were ok . The ones I did last Weds and tge Health centre. It was a bit of a rushed visit really but need to ask everyone who suffers with this is that what they have tried? I can understand having the acid in the throat but in the nasal passages as well? I am constantly feeling like I have a cold and sore sinuses?

thanks as always anybody else suffering like this?

I am not convinced it’s all about the acid

Mona x

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Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
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61 Replies
Patk1 profile image

Rhino sinusitis can b notoriously difficult at times.Does Yr steroid spray contain beconasr or fliconase? It's worth changing to the other one,see if it helps.have u tried adding in eg loratidine ? Maybe change time u take fenofexadine?Apart from. That if pain in sinuses, maybe worth an antibiotic course( I find amoxicillin 500mgx3 gd for sinuses but not my chest).there's a website called" stuff that works" u may find helpful .i would try what dr suggested too x

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Patk1

Hi Patk1 thanks for your reply. I am at my wits end really just want to feel better and it’s not happening despite all my efforts. My husband has put big blocks under the bed this afternoon. Hoping that will help. The only thing with this is the constant mucous in my throat too and a tight chest too. We are going away for a few days next week but when I come back I will definitely going to the Health Centre and I will make a note of your suggestions of different medicines. The spray I am now on is mome something but it’s not doing much. I have used 3 bottles of it. It is a steroid one. So fed up that I do not seem to be getting a handle on it and disappointed too with my ENT private appointment thought he would give me more help really. He did say he will ring me in 6 weeks to see how the acid reflux is going and maybe a scan?

Thanks for your help

Mona x

Sparkywoo profile image
Sparkywoo in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

mona pls drop the monetasone. Makes my nasal drip far worse. Ask GP for Avamys. Different spray method and so much better for a lot of people. Be careful keep rinsing your nose too. Tissues can get irritated and produce more mucus. Good luck

Ju10 profile image
Ju10 in reply to Sparkywoo

I have Avamys found it very good but now my chemist can’t get it 😢😢😢😢

peege profile image

Have you read up all you can on acid reflux? There's also silent reflux which is an insidious b****r and can be far reaching beyond the digestive system. I hope you'll try getting the reflux under control -- if only to prove something to the ENT consultant!

If you put 'silent reflux' in the search bar some older posts/replies will come up about it, then put in reflux or acid reflux to see what comes up.

You're probably on Mometesone. I took it for some years. Sometimes I'd find Flixonase in my prescription instead but both were very good. Since my gp took it off my prescription I've been buying the pharmacy brand Numark which isn't too bad (but haven't been able to get it for some time). I buy Becotide when I can find it on offer. Another one to buy is Clarityn. Now these over the counter sprays must be inferior to Mometesone and Flixonase otherwise these two would be purchasable as well grrr. It’s very annoying

Have you had an endoscopy to see if there's any damage to your esophagus?

In 2006 I had the camera up nasal passages from an ENT consultant, he found nasal polyps (so they're obviously easy to see. They were removed in an op. Also had a face & head scan which showed all sinus cavities full of solid 'matters.

I can't remember if I've replied to you before, I might have mentioned I changed my diet a bit by cutting out the things that caused nasal/sinus/stuffed up head. Many years ago I cut out all acid foods, animal fat, all oils except good extra virgin olive to keep down acid. Weirdly lemon juice and raw apple cider vinegar are absolutely fine in drinks or salad dressing Biscuits are a nono, full of palm oil. I get sick of reading labels I must admit.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to peege

Hi Peege thank you for your reply. Yes we have exchanged messages before thank you right at the beginning o post nasal drip journey. It’s been a long one too and I am still not convinced this is all acid related but I will try anything to stop this. It’s really worn me down. I do not sleep much as propped up on a wedge and the bed is raised too. When I do wake it’s because of this awful mucous in my throat making me swallow. Then my nose starts producing too so I have to keep blowing that . It’s relentless. I do not feel that well with it especially when my sinuses start hurting. My mornings are spent rinsing my nose out and coughing up the mucous which is not that good anyway with the Bronchiectasis.

Thanks for the food advice. I did stop eating oranges a little while ago and Pineapple too. I love dark chocolate and have stopped eating that. I am a vegetarian so no worries with animal fats. I will be really studying acid reflux and trying to keep to a Dairy free diet too. I have also been reading about oats being good at soaking up the acid. So lots of porridge for me. I am not really one for fried food or fizzy drinks so that will be easy .

I did wonder whether I should have an endoscope down my throat to see if there is any damage? I did have one years ago and not pleasant without tranquillisers! But May request one. Probably be a years wait like everything else though I am going to see the Doctor when we get back from our holiday this week.

Thanks yet again for your message and advice. I didn’t know what a post nasal drip was until I asked on here!!


Mona x

peege profile image
peege in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

It must be like having bronchiectasis of the sinuses with the mucus production and the clearance of it. I remember when I was young, student age then early 20s I realised that every time I drank just one glass of wine I'd start sneezing & my nose was blocked. At the same time when I ate mushrooms, cheese, particularly Camenbert or Brie, or grapes with the white bloom on them my stomach would bloat to 3 or 4 times its size so I gave them all up. Half a glass of wine also made my face bright red (and a bit tipsy tbh). The bloated stomach improved after the menopause (weirdly) so at least I can enjoy mushrooms.

Some people believe that bananas are mucus forming and some believe that dairy is. I gave up both for years . It made no difference for me. Imagine, years on goats milk, sheep & goats cheese 🤢🤮 all for nothing

So sorry if I'm repeating myself. I'm also sorry the ENT consultant wasn't more helpful . There must be someone out there who can tell you why your head mucus is in overdrive. Penelope

Lynneypin profile image

I was on the point of surgery, following a Ct scan of my sinuses… but with no guarantees it would improve things, (and ENT said it might make things worse) I was reluctant. One thing that has helped me is avoiding all dairy. Not much fun as I am gluten free too. I also rinse throughout the day using Sterimar, and Xlear. I still have a fair amount of gunk but nowhere near the amount I used to have, and now I don’t wake up in tears with sinus pain.

Mellywelly profile image

My sister is going to ENT on the 5th September as she has suffered with this for years. She hardly sleeps unless she props herself up on the settee and constantly coughing. All they have given her so far is beconase spray. Will let you know what they say. So annoying and if she has no answers she will go ballistic 👍

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Mellywelly

Hi Mellywelly

I remember you telling me about your poor sister. I sympathise so much with her as I haven’t slept properly for months like your sister.

I hope she gets on better than I did with my ENT. Also she has waited so long too.

Please let me know how she gets on

Best wishes

Mona x

Mellywelly profile image
Mellywelly in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Will do 👍

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Mellywelly

Hi Mellywelly any news about your sister and ENT appointment. Hope she got some answers?

Best wishes

Mona x

Mellywelly profile image
Mellywelly in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Hi, no she had her appointment and nose camera and she was really cheesed off when she got home. Pleased they didn't find anything but now she is still in limbo as to what's causing it. She's going on holiday next week but she has to make another doctors appointment for when she gets back, so hoping it's sorted out then. I'm dubious about that one but we can hope 🙏 🙂

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Mellywelly

Hi Mellywelly sorry to hear this and I bet she is well fed up. It affected and still is my mental health. At least my ENT chap found acid in my throat so hopefully that is the clue to my unhappiness. Booking a private gastroenterologist and sticking to my very boring diet. Could your sisters be silent reflux?

Hope she has a good holiday but like me it does take the joy out of everything ☹️

Best wishes

Mona x

Mellywelly profile image
Mellywelly in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

She just sent me pics from salou, having a good time and said she will try and get herself sorted when she gets back. Maybe thinking she should go private. 🙂👍Good luck with your appointment

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Mellywelly

Does she take antihistamines? It's really difficult to treat x

Mellywelly profile image
Mellywelly in reply to Patk1

No, at the moment all they will give her is beconese nasal spray because she is on blood pressure tablets

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Mellywelly

Hi Mellywelly well that’s not much help really. This thing really impacts on one’s life. I have always been positive and proactive about my lung conditions but this has really worn me down so I sympathise with your sister. It’s not knowing what’s causing it?

Hope the Doc can say more when she goes.

Best wishes to her

Mona x

Mellywelly profile image
Mellywelly in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Cheers chook 🙂

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Mellywelly

I have BP meds too.otc loratidine or cetrizine dont affect my BP. Sounds like Yr worried more than her if she's b able to fly x

Mellywelly profile image
Mellywelly in reply to Patk1

With my copd and her problems we always worry about each other. She was trying to get sorted before flying but that didn't happen. I'm just glad she bit the bullet and went 😉

leonierose profile image

Hi I am so sorry to hear about all your conditions You are going through such a bad time I also have nasal drip and initially it was thought to be a reflux but turned out after tablets not to be I take Mometosone Furoate spray twice a day and it seems to have improved it You shouldn’t let it go down the back of your throat but massage it into the sinuses Hope you are feeling better soon

peege profile image
peege in reply to leonierose

Oh yes, I forgot to mention acupressure points Bronchiectasislady69.An acupuncturist told me about them back in the 1990s. Really helped to relieve the pressure and loosen my thick nasal gunk. Plenty of info & demos online nowadays . Worth a try if you get pain. X

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to peege

Thank you Peege I am definitely up for any alternative treatment. I will have a look on utube . I bet it’s on there everything is! I have watched all the things on there about Post Nasal drip but it’s usually American Doctors who have a cure! Wish it was that easy!

Thanks again will tune in for the acupuncture lesson definitely

Best wishes

Mona xx

peege profile image
peege in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Also when I have therapeutic back treatment the lady always ends with me on my back doing neck treatment, she does neck and also base of skull on both side (as in not centre) with my head turned to either side. It feels brilliant but also releases sinus mucus. I can do it myself a bit but not as well as her. My sinus issue apart from excessive mucus) is that I'm small boned and the yuk cant escape cavities & gets trapped causing build up , awful pressure and pain.

Acupressure is pretty harmless, no needles involved!

Cherwin profile image
Cherwin in reply to leonierose

Can I ask why you say ‘don’t let it go down your throat’ and how can you stop it with massage . Do you mean massage your cheeks? Sorry just trying to understand. If it’s not reflux causing it do you know what is ?

knitter profile image

I have asthma and COPD and suffer from painful sinuses ….headaches and infections .

I don’t know whether it’s an allergy causing my dripping nose ….I know tree pollen makes it worse , I have had some allergy tests in the past .

Or whether it’s a side effect of a medication , or whether I over breathe ….dysfunctional breathing pattern . Bad morning headaches and if I lie down.

Tried gluten free , no difference ….then tried oat milk .

Tried Sterimar , bought an air purifier .

strangely enough , no headache or sinus pain today ….but ran out of oat milk this morning and had dairy in my coffee , wait and see what happens next.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to knitter

Hi knitter thank you for your reply. I am about to try Oat milk with my porridge to c if that helps with the acid?

I have got. Neti pot and Neilsmed saline too and like yourself an air purifier. My bloods at the doctors came back no allergy count so that was something I suppose. It has really been elimination but still do not feel I am there yet

Best wishes to you and keep well

Mona x

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

I tried some soya milk today , after running out of oat milk .

Dairy yesterday , coincidence or not but headache and sinus pain back , maybe just bad luck .

Trouble is I have osteoporosis , just had another bone scan and questionnaire asked about cheese , yogurt and milk consumption .

Check Vit B 12 with no dairy , noticed the Soya milk had it added .

Cherwin profile image
Cherwin in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Is it the mucous dripping down the throat over a long term that causes Bronchiectasis? I have collapsed areas in my lungs from mucous plugging. Whdn I eat high histamine foods or breathe in chemical fumes my chest tightness and I cough up mucous from my throat . My nose seems clear but yet I feel the mucous in my throat.

SquirrelsHolt profile image


Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Thank you SquirrelsHolt

Yes it’s on going isn’t it and not too many answers either. I really think these days we have to do our own research and I am so glad I am on this helpful site

Best wishes to you

Mona x

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

🙋‍♀️ Hi again and we Are different, even responding to the same meds we can react differently. On another post one member suggested keeping a daily diary on feelings, meds,etc etc. It was on a lung site so you'd be able to find it. I'm going to try and see how my diary gets on 🤔... and of course I'll let you know 🙉🙈. Take care 🐿😷😘

Izb1 profile image

I suffered this for years and sadly we are left to get on with it ourselves most of the time. The ent doctor gave me a low dose Doxycycline for 6 weeks was perhaps one of the things that did help because all my sinusus's were infected. I have tried everything and we all find things that do and dont work. For me daily Sterimar washes are a must. I take Lungwort from british supplments especially when things are bad. I also take NAC to help thin out the mucus. Mometosone doesnt work that well for me but will use it if things are getting bad. I also take daily dose vitamin d. There is nothing more frustrating than constanly having problems that you cant get to grips with. I do hope that you find things that work for you and manage to get some relief, we are all different so keep trying x

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Izb1

Hi Izb1

Thank you for replying. One of the nurses at our health Centre put me up some Amoxicillin when I said my sinuses were painful. I actually did not take them becos the sinuses started to feel ok. ENT guy said no pus up there so no infection. I have had so many antibiotics with my chest Amoxicillin never works for me anymore .

Thank you for your message and yes so hard to get to grips with this. It’s very depressing.

Best wishes

Mona x

peege profile image
peege in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Me again 🙄. When I saw an ENT specialist (by chance . I'd gone in to see the facial cranio consultant for jaw pain). She did the head scan and sent it next door to the ENT man who showed me the sinus cavities in forehead and cheeks completely stuffed full of solidified gunk. I'm pretty sure this cannot be spied from looking up the nasal passages. After my op in 2006 one side cleared after 3 weeks. What came down filled my cupped palm, was solid, brown and quite disgusting

You need a scan ( imo )

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

You would be better with a ct scan this shows infections, all mine had been infected for months and Amoxycillian is useless for me. I have found that we have to be persistent in getting something done, keep pushing until you do. I know its really hard I went through a long time of problems with both my chest and sinus's and getting to the right people is soul destroying, we really shouldn't have to fight so hard to be treated but sadly this is the world we live in now. I wrote a daily diary for 6 months noting how i felt everyday what i took and what i ate, who i spoke to just go see if there was a connection. Some of the things i thought hadn't worked had done but was so slow i didnt notice it. Try to keep your chin up x

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Izb1

Thank you Izb1 for your reply. I have been away for a few days so late reply sorry. I have been doing that too keeping a diary. I am really trying now to do an acid free diet .. I am on the soya milks and yoghurts etc I have got a Docs appointment this afternoon and I am going to get a private Referrel to a Gastro doc. I think this is Reflux as I have a Hyitas Hernia and have suffered with it on and off but just Heartburn not this awful mucous in the nose and throat. I am taking the Gaviston Advance too after every meal. Nothing improving yet but will persevere.

Thanks for your supportive message

Mona x

Cherwin profile image
Cherwin in reply to Izb1

I found Doxycycline very helpful too, I also have taken Lung Wort from BS , but I can’t seem to tolerate NAC. I think it’s because I’m histamine intolerant and it mentions it can increase histamine, I wish I could take it or some form of mucolite to try and expel the mucous that’s plugging my lungs. How do you think the LungWort helped ?

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Cherwin

I cant really say how Lungwort helped just that my chest feels alot better when I take it and I dont cough as much. I use menthol crystals when I have too much mucus and that seems to help as well, although because they are so strong I only use a tiny bit in hot water to breathe them in but it does help with the sinus's . Do you take a DAO supplement for your histamine intolerance. Its all such a blinking nightmare when you have these problems and cant get anything that works and worse left on your own to sort it out. Thats why this site is a godsend, people sharing their experiences. I hope you find something that works for you x

Cherwin profile image
Cherwin in reply to Izb1

Thankyou for your reply . I do have some DAO supplements again not sure how well they work and are quite expensive. I am going to order more Lung Wort and will try the menthol crystals . Wishing you all the best.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Cherwin

Is it worth speaking with your gp and see if you can get these on prescription, worth a try x

Cherwin profile image
Cherwin in reply to Izb1

Hadn’t occurred to me , worth looking into. Thanks for the thought.x

Heaven20 profile image

Hi, I have the same problem since being diagnosed 6 years ago ...I think it goes hand in hand, everything is connected. Do you do airway clearance? At the moment I have sinusitis and trying so hard not to get an infection.

Have you tried an air purifier, mine has been a great help at night. I hope you feel better soon.

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Heaven20

Hi Heaven 20

Thank you for replying. Yes I do have an air purifier thank you and I agree they are lovely to have by the side of the bed.

Best wishes

Mona x

Phill1 profile image

If it is silent reflux and you want a cheaper as effective /More effective alternative to Gaviscon Advance.. try Peptac…it’s in liquid form and it’s now my go to for acid reflux.

Take it when you go to bed just before you settle down …

good luck

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to Phill1

Hi Phill1

Thank you for recommending Peptac. I will definitely give it a go. Anything to stop this horrible Post Nasal Drip caused I think by Acid reflux

Est wishes

Mona x

MoyB profile image

You've got a lot of useful replies but thought I'd add that I was advised to take Gaviscon Advance 4 times a day ie after meals and before bedtime. I found this really difficult to manage with all the medication I take but a GP advised me of how to get around it. I won't say it here as our meds are not necessarily the same and what works for me may be wrong for you.

I don't know how much it's helping. We've raised the bed by 5" (couldn't manage 8"), I'm careful what I eat, I take the Gaviscon as recommended but I still have the phlegm in my throat and am persistently clearing it.

When I was first changed to Fexofenadine, it seemed to help. Also, I now use Mometasone nasal spray which worked like a dream for the first week and now seems to make no difference.

From what you say, I think your drip is worse than mine, but I get so fed up with throat clearing!

I'm sorry your ENT appointment wasn't very helpful. I hope you get some relief soon.

x x Moy

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to MoyB

Hi MoyB again

Thanks for your reply. I do agree with you about taking the Medications around the Gaviston.

Day 2 of doing this and hopefully I am having to be so careful. I know we both have Fexo Antihystimine 180 which says not to take any digestive meds for 2 hours after. I take Omeprozole 1st at 8 and then 2 hours later the Fexo. Weekend look ok but I am in azirthyromycin mon Weds and Friday. It’s going to get complicated those days. Omeprozole twice and then Gaviston after every meal and bedtime. Please could I ask how the doctor said to get round it. I will be definitely confused

Best wishes

Mona x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

I take lansoprazol at 7.00 am. along with Mometasone spray and Trelegy inhaler. At 8.00 am I take diltiazem, furosemide, apixaban and carbosistein, followed by breakfast. After breakfast I take Gaviscon.2hrs later I take fexofenadine and three days a week also take azithromycin. I also take AdCal at the same time.

At least 2hrs later, I take furosemide and carbosistein. Then eat lunch and follow it with Gaviscon.

Before dinner I take atorvastatin, apixaban, montelukast and diltiazem.

Dinner is followed by Gaviscon.

Before bed, I take famotidine and carbosistein. It's OK to take Gaviscon straight after these.

Doc said as long as I take meds before eating, the food will push them far enough through my system for it not to be a problem if I then follow with the Gaviscon.

If I wake up later, I just adjust the times.

Xx Moy

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to MoyB

Thanks MoyB for your reply. My biggest problem is breakfast! I take Omeprozole in the morning at 8. I then do my 3 puffers and chest clearance. Usually 9.30 to 10 so then eat my breakfast but then need to take my Antyhistimines so have not done my Gaviston then after breakfast. The rest of the medication is sorted it’s just Breakfast that’s the problem. I do need the Antyhistimines as they really help with all this awful extra mucous.

Going to the Doctors this afternoon and asking to see an Acid reflux dietician and a Private Gastroenterologist. I think it could be reflux as I have always suffered and I have a Hyitus Hernia . I have read up so much about Silent Reflux now and it all fits. Just praying I can control with diet and help from the Gastroenterologist. Will let you know!

Best wishes

Mona x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Hope you get some answers and help. Xx

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to MoyB

Hi MoyB took my notebook to the Docs and the ENT s letter which she actually read and seemed interested which she didn’t my last 2 visits. She read me out my blood test results as negative to pollen, dust mites and pet dander. She gave me a perscription for Gaviston Advanced and some more nose drops. She couldn’t find a dietician for me to see nobody does Acid Reflux? O well I have ordered the cook book and will stick with it hopefully to see some improvement! The doc is also going to give me a Referrel to see a private gastroenterologist. I am ringing the hospital tomorrow.

Ok I did well but only through my own efforts really. This was my 3rd visit to her. The other. 2 not at all helpful.

I know what is coming. The camera down the throat but need to keep going with this! My mental health has been suffering terribly.

Mona xx

poppyshola profile image

Hi .. I have severe rhinitis and like you have problems with it constantly staying at the back of my throat, i also have Bronchiectasis, Asthma, IBS and other stuff I was taking Nasonex until Docs changed it to Mometasone (which seemed no better than water) sonetime ago my specialist prescribed Sterimar too which was eventually stopped. Cost cutting !! when I explained Mometasone didn't seem to do anything our new GP prescribed DYMISTA now that is very good but after checking out the price I'm not surprised its never been prescribed before (£38)

As for the reflux etc I was firstly prescribed Omeprazole but it didn't seem to help so that was changed to Lansoprazole... much better also Gaviscon Advance for times when I need it, I helps but I find it a bit yuck at times when you've opened the bottle a few times ...

On a recent visit to Papworth hospital one of the new consultants explained that because I'm on antibiotics quite a lot my tummy needs topping up with good bugs so recommended that I try some probiotics and gut health yogurt and taking them regular would help my IBS ... so I got myself plenty of Danone drinks and Activia Gut health yogurts and they really do work ...

I have a Himalayan Salt Lamp on my bedside unit which I believe helps my lungs and possibly my nose too, also a Hepa filter Air Purifier recommended by our new GP.

My bedside kit consists of Imperial mints that help breathing and gut problems , Halls soothers (for breathing) and Barrett Sherbet fountains (for excess wind)

So I've got something for everything right next to me

I always have honey and some lemon squash or barley for a hot drink at night ...

I am also on Fexofenadone 180 but I'm not convinced it does much so sometimes I'll take Cetirizine Hydrochloride which are as cheap as chips on Amazon.. they help a bit

When I was a kid my mum used to make a cough syrup from brown sugar and onion ... steeped overnight ... but she would often be puzzled on checking it in the morning because I used to get up early and take it all ... I never told her 😆 .

Bronchiectasislady69 profile image
Bronchiectasislady69 in reply to poppyshola

Hi Poppyshola

Sorry for late reply I have just been away for a few days so just catching up with my replies. Thank you for yours. I was thinking Omeprazole not doing much and must see if I could change to Lanzoprozol? Very interesting about the Probiotics. I am ion Azithromycin which is my maintenance antibiotic and I have been worried about my gut health for a while. I am going to get some probiotics and get my gut flora up. It could even help this horrible silent reflux?

I did smile at all of your things you take to bed!😀 I think you have definitely got it covered!

Thank you for replying and keep well

Mona x

poppyshola profile image
poppyshola in reply to Bronchiectasislady69

Happy to help Mona x

Azure_Sky profile image

I have had the same problem for years. There a spray that works. Called Otivan if memory serves me correctly. Personally I would ask a qualified pharmacist for advice. I don’t think doctors have as much knowledge, they seem to look online or in a book.

When something is to be taken with food a glass of milk will line your stomach.

Ergendl profile image

One of the things I find is that when I swallow, the uvula that hangs in the back of my mouth doesn't close the passage to the sinuses properly, so food and drink go up into the passages. So when I clean my teeth or rinse my mouth with mouthwash or salt water, I deliberately swill some around the back of my mouth to clean the area at the start of the sinuses too. It has really cut down on the amount of throat infections I get.

An easy way to check this is to drink something like cocoa, and then swill out the back of your mouth while cleaning your teeth. If you have the same problem, the toothpaste solution you spit out with be shaded with the brown of the cocoa instead of its normal white.

Maximonkey profile image

Hi Mona, I too suffer with allergic rhinitis it can make life very difficult. I am on holiday at present but will contact you again next week when I am home with hints and tips. Take care, Maximonkey

off_skiing profile image

this sounds very similar to my symptoms. I saw ENT doc for 8 years before being re-referred to respiratory team. Was then diagnosed with pseudomonas. It explains why the nelimed, steriods, antihistamines would help but not cure. Ask to have your spit/sputnum tested just in case it is something else.

Hi off skiing thank you for your message. I have done sputum tests in the past and they have never found anything? My ENT guy told me I have LPR as he found acid in my throat. I have tried to eat correctly which is a bore nothing acidic and think it helps a bit. Waiting now to have an endoscopy to determine how bad this respiratory reflux is. I am absolutely fed up with it all and am really hoping there could be something that can be done. Having Bronchiectasis as well it’s a nightmare! I will however do another sputum sample and I would be well pleased if it was that and curable. Glad you got your diagnosis and thank you for your suggestion

Mona x

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