Does anyone suffering with bronchiectasis still go to the cinema? I for one can't imagine sitting there for 2 or 3 hours and trying to hold in my various coughs, snorts, gurgles and grunts. I think the major cinema chains should have special screenings for those of us with lung conditions. It's either that or waiting for the new Avatar on DVD ... ☹️
THE BIG SCREEN : Does anyone suffering... - Lung Conditions C...

Yes I go with my friend about once each month and I go to the theatre. Make sure that you have really done your clearance before you go. That way, hopefully you can concentrate on enjoying the film rather than fighting the gunk.
I go with my partner but we go to a local Curzon which has programs in the morning when very few people go.
I used to go more often at any screening whatever the time but Im pretty much in permanent shielding mode as Ive been told I might not survive catching a virus which turned into a bacterial infection. When I used to visit the cinema quite frequently, I would always make a point of sitting in the back row so that people were not breathing or coughing over me. Apart from going when less people are there, that would be my main advice, to always sit in the back row.
I go now and again. My cough is only really bad when I have an infection and generally would not be going out.
Yes I still go occasionally, you can't stop life and enjoyment just because of what others goodness people eating popcorn can be as bad
Yes, I go to the cinema and the theatre. I sit at the back on an aisle seat when possible in case i need to make a quick exit! I take a bottle of water and a pack of Hall's soothers as they take the edge off my cough when it starts. The one place i struggle is in church services. I think it is the incense that starts me off!
It probably is the insence that is setting you off Patf1 - Ive read that insence is dreadful for the lungs.
I don't go any more, but mainly because I don't like our local cinema much. Too many small studios, so you're too close to the screen, the sound is turned up too high and it's overpriced. (End of moan.)
The last time I went to the cinema was with my grandson when he was 6, he is now 19 lol, we dont have a local anymore and the thought of going into the city at night is not something I would consider, its not safe x
Hi Cornishman. Do you do airway clearance before you go? That should stop you coughing for a good few hours. I’ve not been to the cinema since before covid and have mainly been shielding. I did venture to two live music gigs in Sept & Oct and had a blast, but unfortunately picked up an infection which turned nasty. So with all the horrible viruses around now, I’m not going anywhere. It makes for a rather boring life but I watch a lot of music progs on Sky Arts etc
I'm still waiting for a physio to teach me how. At the moment, I'm not nice to have around polite company.
Well airway clearance is a huge priority and will make a massive difference to your ability to manage this illness, both in terms of resisting infection and minimising the cough. I do it twice daily & hardly cough inbetween times (I’m still breathless but that’s another story.) So keep chasing your physio referral. You’ll feel so much better, honestly.
I couldn't imagine life without the theatre! We have two booked for January, Sleeping Beauty, the ballet and The Tempest at the RSC. We also love comedians. We have just had a new cimema here and I love that too. I've got a CEA card which gives discounted tickets. I just use lifts where available, sometimes you have to ask for assistance, and take my time. When people see my daughter's white stick it's like the parting of the red sea so I just swan along in her wake.
I go now and again. Must admit, if I need to cough I do! It may annoy people around me a bit, but I hear lots of others doing likewise so just smile sweetly and enjoy the film ... Until I fall asl! I sometimes need a nudge then to stop me snoring, which is much more of an issue than the coughing!🤣🤣🤣 xx Moy
I go to the cinemago but not often ... I always make sure I take tissues a soft drink and some mint imperials